Reselling NOT easy


Cyber Specialist
Think about talking to people everyday and every where you go.

"Once you find your inner self everything in life is easier"

Cyberworld Is my world what is yours?

Keep thinking
You're right - reselling is not easy. Just remember that prospects are buying. They just dislike being sold to. Be professional in your approach. Find out what works and repeat that over and over.
Is there a point to these posts?

Reselling is not easy yes but thats what makes it fun! If something is so easy you will not enjoy it.

If its hard you have to find new ways to sell and its more enjoyable.
True, reselling is not easy. I find challenges rewarding and thats why I love this business. It is a challenge and every day something new always happens.

Fusion-Hosts is my world and I love every minute of it.
True, reselling is not easy. I find challenges rewarding and thats why I love this business. It is a challenge and every day something new always happens.

Fusion-Hosts is my world and I love every minute of it.

Romes love the quote!!! Cyberworld is my world too :p
While I love what I do on my jobs, my whole world includes my family, friends, business associates and my own self interests.

What does it really mean to be successful in business? Does this relate only to monetary profit? Satisfaction from a job well done? At the end of the day, are you burnt out or are you looking forward to tomorrow?

To all the entrepreneurs out there, don't let one failure deter your efforts to succeed. To those who are growing your businesses, find some balance between business and personal interests - that enriches your life. :)
I get random offers to purchase smaller companies sometimes and people come up to me with a large sales pitch and I hate it. I do try to always remind people that they are selling, but that does not mean I am buying (yet).
I get random offers to purchase smaller companies sometimes and people come up to me with a large sales pitch and I hate it. I do try to always remind people that they are selling, but that does not mean I am buying (yet).

Yeah, I get offers from time to time for small companies wishing to sell their client off to someone. The majority of the time their outragous offers, for expample.

This one guy (name will not be mentioned) wanted to sell me 15 clients, I said ok. The annual income off those clients was $40-$60 (can't remember) and he wanted $1k. I was like no, he went lower...$750..I was like no again, and his finally offer he said was $500 lol I told him no and ended the conversation with him.

I am always on the look out for small companies willing to sell their clients but I only take companies with a reasonable offer.
Good stories Steve and Romes. I am not at the stage to buy clients but can't wait until I can. Sent from the google phone :)
It took me a long time to get where I am at today. gotta work for what you want, and now I am happy I did. :)
"Once you find your inner self everything in life is easier"

How true!!! Once you find your inner self, everything in life is just sheer joy. Every moment of the life is celebration and even the persons around you will feel the same. No achievements in the world are easy!
of course. first you must offer great service and in low price so that your hosting will be known and 2nd you must spend so much time in marketing your site since there are so many companies big or small offers hosting.
The reseller hosting marketeer ve to be more explored and the ppl ve to sell with more cheap prices.
Not sure I'm following you here - you can't compete on pricing alone. The bottom line is that if you're in business, you need to make a profit. Either you sell in volume with lower profit margins, or you carve out a niche with higher margins. That niche could be add-on services that fall within your core business model.

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