I need smaller reseller packages !


New member
I need around 10gb to 15gb "Reseller" package..But I cant find it under major hosting companies like hostgator or justhost..etc..
Any idea if anyone company offer them ?
What is your budget? Each company should be able to work with you on a plan, just give them an email.
Thanks 4 ur opinion...will look into it !

I need linux with around 20gb space..and good bandwidth !
I want someone reputable.
If you'd like, we can move your thread to the Web Hosting Requests forum where some of the providers participating on this forum can actually make you offers.

If you are only looking for recommendations, then it has to stay here, but web hosting providers looking at your request cannot solicit offers as it is against the rules.
ARTASHES Thank you ARTASHES... But I really dont want personal people to send me requests...I want good known companies which have good reviews..but are cheaper.So its better to stay in there.

cableguy- The company you stated has very attractive pricing structure, are they good enough ? because the difference is too much cheaper compared to other reseller companies....You dont know any other guy who bought with them ?
yep...the hosting market is soo saturated...its kinda hard to test new companies in marketing with low prices, due to the fact they can close up and run away...so its kinda getting difficult day by day.. lol

I heard abt RESELLERZOOM - Any idea guys if they are good ?
I've used resellerzoom before and really liked them. If it wasn't for getting my own servers, I'd still be with them.
RESELLERZOOM- i heard budget reseller programs give problems when using CMS content websites (like joomla,etc)..is that true ?

CABLEGUY- wht do u mean people hosting them ? ...
Cableguy, would you mind sharing where/how you found resellerzoom to be a reseller of the company you posted?

I looked through your companies site and forum and found the server names/hostnames are different between your company and those of resellerzoom. Also, resellerzoom support is fast even with downed server, which is not common with resellers as for the chain they must go through.
Ah very nice. I wonder if they outsource their support to them then as the support is very fast and knowledgeable.

Either way, if I were to use a reseller account again, I would go back to resellerzoom just cause I know how good the service and support is.
If you need smaller reseller packages then just go for planet online- web hosting, they are providing the reseller packages at affordable prices.

If you need smaller reseller packages then just go for planet online- web hosting, they are providing the reseller packages at affordable prices.


Raicol, what is the extent of your experience with the company?

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