iPad 2.


New member
Now that Apple has announced iPad 2 with new improved features and they might end up coming out sooner or later and Apple have already decided to release the iPad 2 on March 11th starting at $499.
As we know that the last iPad was not a big success, what do you think about iPad 2 ? Will it be a success ?
I intend to go with an Android tablet like the Xoom and Honeycomb. I want the freedom of open source and not being locked into iTunes and the Apple.
I didn't care for the 1st iPad, so I don't think much of iPad 2 either.

However, if I were to go with a tablet (although not sure what the use will be), I'd stick to WebOS and pick HP TouchPad. At least I will be able to do a lot more with it that I can with the iPad, including wirelessly communicate/sync with my WebOS enabled phone as well.
However, if I were to go with a tablet (although not sure what the use will be), I'd stick to WebOS and pick HP TouchPad. At least I will be able to do a lot more with it that I can with the iPad, including wirelessly communicate/sync with my WebOS enabled phone as well.
Love HP and their products(my notebook is going on 3 years). My mom worked for them 30 years and I used to work in their sales center. However I wish they would release a tablet with Android and tell MS to kiss off with Win7.
Of course the iPad 2 is gonna sell like bread, people practically bread apple products, I have the admit the iPhone rocks but I haven't found a productive use for the iPad yet, so I'm not buying it any time soon
Yeah, it is great, one of my friend got it from UK at 450$ from john lewis store, really worth the price. gratz to all who hav it.

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