Content Vs. SEO


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Like the old question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?", which do you put first? Do you write out the content first and then place the appropriate keywords in, or do you structure the article around the keywords?
I write the content, then publish it.
I don't put any effort into specific keywords, I tag the article with things what I wrote about.

Sometimes you "hit the spot", mostly you miss :)
Like the old question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?", which do you put first? Do you write out the content first and then place the appropriate keywords in, or do you structure the article around the keywords?

Content first. The visitor - a person - must understand what I'm saying there.
Content of course, your visitors/potential clients want to see what your about and including detailed content means they wouldn't have to email you regarding any questions which should be displayed on the site but haven't been.
Content is first and keyword should then be optimized in the content wherever its suits without changing the meaning of the content.
If you focus on audience then content and keywords should be a natural fit.

That's a very good thought. A very good way of doing it too. I guess the mark of a good writer is to be able to immerse themselves in any given topic so they can write as if they're a pro. About anything. Do that and, I think you're right, the keywords will write themselves.
First you have to write the content and then decide the keywords based on what kind of content you have. That should be rather easy after you have the content finished.
As the others said, your primary focus should always be on good content. SEO will come naturally out of that. Rarely do I go back on articles trying to squeeze in keywords on articles. Sometimes it happens, but most times we just let it go. If you are secured your topic correctly, then there's no needs to focus on keywords as they will appear naturally in your writing.

Also, the subject line irked me and I was almost not going to click on the topic at all. Too often I see "SEO vs Content" where as they actually work together - "SEO *and* Content".

If you write your content correctly, there's nothing to SEO :)
We focus on writing quality and informative content for the visitors/readers, stuffing keywords in the content doesn't look good and perhaps the readers may lose interest. SEO has taken a 360 degree turn in last couple of years. Old strategy won't work so don't spend your valuable time in stuffing keywords. ;)
Content is KING.

Once you have the content, you can go back and make minor adjustments for SEO. Do the basics (title, meta, name pictures, use alt tags, etc.).

Most importantly, how does it read to the end user? It really doesn't matter how well it does with the search engines if it doesn't make sense or have a good call to action once people see it. The opposite is true also, it doesn't matter how well it reads if no one is there to read it.
That is a fine line isn't it Cera? This is where backlinks come in handy. If you're not high in the rankings then those "leads" can do wonders for incoming traffic.
I create the material, then post it. I don't put any attempt into particular search phrases, i do tag the content with things what i had written about.
Of course content come first, but if you do it correctly, that content is based on keywords and keyword phrases. It isn't really that hard to restructure a sentence to include a keyword, so that the article flows naturally.

It's pretty obvious when an author keyword stuffs, and when I see that my first thought is, "This article wasn't written for me as a consumer, rather for the search engines." Granted, the content may still be great, but would I want that type of article on my site? No.
For a being successful you need to have both. SEO is free traffic and is a definite must do. However if your website's content is weak, people will bounce right off. Content comes first and then you optimize it to get some traffic.

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