Taking HostingDiscussion to the next level

Completely agree with you on those points @Artashes.

It would be mad seeing HD on XenForo - vB 3.6.8 to XenForo I don't think we'd handle the awesomeness of that upgrade! :D
It would be mad seeing HD on XenForo - vB 3.6.8 to XenForo I don't think we'd handle the awesomeness of that upgrade! :D
We will have to find a way to let all of that positive energy out through a lot of :beer: and :dance:
XenForo is great. We host quite a few XenForo forums on our ElasticSites platform, as it has a LiteSpeed plugin (using LSCache), which makes it lightning fast!!!

LSCache is a bit like Varnish (only built into the server rather than a proxy).

So it's probably worth bearing LiteSpeed in mind, if you go XenForo!!!
I'm think I'm 95% sure vBulletin isn't going anywhere and probably a good 75% sure XenForo isn't going anywhere, so either of those is a good choice, IMO.

I'd reverse those percentages. Sites are moving and starting up on Xenforo small and big (DigitalPoint etc) yet, I rarely see a vBulletin 5 forum these days. It seems they're basically running on vB3 renewals (and thats probably low considering most people won't renew since well, there are no updates for this version?). So we leave it to vB4 renewals and the few vB5 renewals/orders (I rarely see a vB5 site).

Little back story:
Internet Brands acquired vBulletin and wanted to get a quicker ROI. To do so, they wanted v4 to be based on v3 whereas the lead devs wanted to start from the ground up. Said lead devs left vBulletin to start Xenforo (yeah, if they let them start from the ground up, vB4 would probably have been what Xenforo is right now!).

Internet Brands, they are a company that owns a lot of sites online. A lot of forums. I went on their site and opened up 10 random forums that they own (bare in mind, they also own vBulletin). 9 sites were running vBulletin 3. 1 site was running vBulletin 4. 0 sites were running vBulletin 5.

If they are not even updating to their own product, how can they expect others to stick around?
I am just going to throw this question out there and see what people prefer.

I wish we could upgrade the forum yesterday, but we are waiting for XenForo version 2.0 to get released. XF 2.0 represents a major update from the current software and ad such, in the event we design a custom look, it is better to do so for the latest software available.

Once the 2.0 is out, would you rather see it here as soon as possible (running a default skin look for some period of time), or wait until we come up with a new theme for an unknown period of time and then re-launch it altogether?
I think as an SEO point of view the change should happen right away because there could/might be traffic lost because of the change.

You can always add the theme at a later time.
Can't wait to see what you come up with here! It might be worth participating in their public beta so you get an advantage on the XF 2 team as well :)
It might be worth participating in their public beta so you get an advantage on the XF 2 team as well :)

What advantage do you mean?
XF 2 is available only in developer mode, with each new release basically starting with a fresh install.
Beta versions SHOULD NEVER be run in a production environment.

Thankfully, Artashes knows better than that :)
Correct, however, you would have a knowledge of the internals of xf2 and maybe even an outline/game plan of importing beforehand. Hell, were it me, that might be something on my mind, anyways :)
Beta versions SHOULD NEVER be run in a production environment.
Absolutely, and never did I say that.
You have no idea how many times I've fully reset WHMCS testing environments when getting things perfect... Using a beta in a testing environment is probably the best approach for something like this, especially if you're going to move from something else entirely
Correct, however, you would have a knowledge of the internals of xf2 and maybe even an outline/game plan of importing beforehand. Hell, were it me, that might be something on my mind, anyways :)

To be honest, I am not going to be the one in charge of migration or custom modifications. I've always relied on absolutely able people, highly knowledgeable in vBulletin and/or XenForo, while I focused more on other components of website development and marketing. These resources know XF inside-out (way, way better than I will ever know), which is why I am attracting them to the job and maintenance. :thumbup:
Today we begin building our next version of HostingDiscussion. The process will likely be long (but not too long) and tedious, but we have an experienced developer on board who works with both vBulletin and XenForo platforms to help us with the transition.

The process of migration isn't the most straightforward due to a number of add-ons and custom tools that were developed specifically for our forum. Our objective is to make this process as smooth as possible. And even if there was a change of how our backend works, we'd like to make sure that such changes are minimized as far as actual usability is concerned.

Stay tuned.
So you decided to move to Xenforo?
I felt you're convinced of IPS :)

Anyway, i felt comfortable in your forum and i'll be a long term user and i hope to see your forum updated soon.

Good luck.
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So you decided to move to Xenforo?
I felt you're convinced of IPS :)

Anyway, i felt comfortable in your forum and i'll be a long term user and i hope to see your forum updated soon.

Good luck.

I am glad you feel comfortable around here. We try to keep it chill for everyone.

Yes, XenForo is finally the choice and we have a test-server where things are being tested on. We have a few custom solutions that we coded specifically for our needs here, so some will require re-coding. I really can't wait for XF 2.0 though.
Any update on announcement in 1st post? A responsive theme would be welcome, forum is difficult to read and navigate on mobile...

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