Hosting control panel with modern UI (Not cpanel/plesk)



Can you suggest some good hosting control panel which have Modern UI like cPanel or DirectAdmin's Icon grid(similar to cpanel)

I tried DirectAdmin but it have huge failure rate in migrating data. Most difficult task is changing password of each database. You will be need to loging to each client account and manually change password of database. (Time killing task).

Some panels I tried:
- DirectAdmin (High data restore failure rate).
- SiteWorx (Seems development is dead).

Any panel including cloud hosting control panel? (I saw ClusterCS but hard to understand their plan and how it works, No demo of control panel).

Hello, I will suggest you to give a try to CWP centos web panel on your demo server, the migration process is to easy Cpanel to CWP.

Its a free Web Hosting Control Panel, but you can get its pro version in just $1.49 monthly.
cPanel is the best, but if out of budget then best to try CWP centos web panel since migration is better.

Are you looking for a personal control panel or to offer shared hosting or reseller hosting?
Commercial control panel only. I don't like design of CWP.

CWP have a Commercial control panel

CWPpro is the latest professional version of CentOS WebPanel. By using CWPpro you will always have the latest version of CWP with fast automatic security fixes.
CWPpro also has more features and security improvements, by using CWPpro you are also supporting further and better CWP development.

So why should you use CWPpro:
– Check for updates every 4 hours (default version is 24 hours)
– Affordable price $1.49 monthly or $11.99 per year.
– More advanced security limits per account
– This payment also helps to improve CWP updates and development of the new features.
– Mod Security latest OWASP rules with automatic updates.
– Mod Security latest Comodo WAF rules with automatic updates.
– Varnish Cache Server advanced setup by using RAM as cache storage (for best performances)
– Security advisor: Checks your server and lets you know how to improve the security of your server (we continuously add new checks for the security improvement)
– Yum Package/Update and repository manager GUI
– Removes CWP donation blue notification box from admin area
– Automatic update of service like: phpMyAdmin, Roundcube…

– CentOS 7: cgroups (most advanced resource limiting for cpu,ram,disk I/O)
– Security Tools: Maldet Scan, RKHunter Scan, Lynis Scan, SymLink Scan
– Monit: Advanced Server Monitoring with email notifications and service restart and actions
– Resellers Panel
– cPanel Migration tools

Coming soon:
– Spamassasin: config and scan per mailbox
– Clustering manager
You've obviously never used the product. I have
CWP 'pro' is simply a couple of addons to CWP. There's really nothing 'commercial' about it, which is why it runs so cheap ($1/month)

I have used it and am using it, because it is a paid service then it is classed as a commercial product.

Commercial Product means the Licensed Product in finished package form fit for sale in the Licensed Territory.
DirectAdmin has done some work with migration from CPanel using CPmove and that's being actively developed, cashing in on the cPanel issue.

Also, you'll find that they've really given their look and feel a real update of late.

Plus once you're migrations are done, you'll have something solid underneath!
DirectAdmin has done some work with migration from CPanel using CPmove and that's being actively developed, cashing in on the cPanel issue.

Also, you'll find that they've really given their look and feel a real update of late.

Plus once you're migrations are done, you'll have something solid underneath!

not used DA for years
There's a demo link in my footer if you want to see what it looks like these days!
We often using BTCN panel aka AApanel The Pagoda Linux Panel is a server management software that improves operation and maintenance efficiency. It supports more than 100 server management functions such as one-click LAMP/LNMP/cluster/monitoring/website/FTP/database/JAVA.
With 20 professional teams in research and development and maintenance, after more than 200 versions of iteration, full-featured, less error-prone and safe enough, it has been approved by millions of users worldwide. Operation and maintenance must be efficient, and the tower is loaded.
I am thinking about changing from Plesk to DirectAdmin. One of my vendors uses it and it blows me away every time I log in. It is intuitive, silky smooth and an underrated control panel. He has a fantastic theme that may very well be stock and a Let's encrypt module.

I'm beginning to feel like a fool paying all that money to Plesk.
DirectAdmin is the up and coming control panel. CWP is in second place for a real alternative if they would unbloated it a bit and just make it more attractive. CWP isn't quite as intuitive either.

If we are going to make money in their very competitive business, we need to get serious at finding some great alternatives to the outrageous software landlords. WHMCS is getting out of hand for what it delivers.
DirectAdmin is better in my opinion than Plesk. When I first started I used Plesk at RackSpace, but directadmin is fast and easy to use by comparison.

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