Is Hostgator Worth the Price?


New member
Sorry if this is the wrong board. I am looking for a good, large hosting company but do not know where to start. There are some like 1&1 where I heard many bad things about, but do not know where else to look. I heard HostGator is pretty good and I found coupons online where it only costs $0.01 for the first month.

Is it worth it?
As James mentioned, your best bet would be to give them a try. Whether $0.01 is worth it? Well, what do you really lose?

I do suggest all hosting seekers to screen companies of their choice more carefully. Perform an extensive research using search engines and web hosting forums, read the reviews, test company responsiveness by sending them a few emails with questions - see how fast they respond. If all is satisfactory - then give them a try.

Our advisor wrote an easy to follow guide that might help you find the best hosting company for your needs:
I find the question kind of absurd.

You are saying you can get the first month for one cent and you are asking if it is worth it.
What would it take to make it "worth it"?

What if it was a dollar? Then what would it take.

I think you should be asking yourself what your site is worth to you and then researching your host based on that.
I think you should be asking yourself what your site is worth to you and then researching your host based on that.

I haven't heard of this perspective yet, but it is a brilliant one!

I think this ought to become a new fundamental mentality of all web hosting seekers from this moment on. Very well put, Blue.
Sorry if this is the wrong board. I am looking for a good, large hosting company but do not know where to start. There are some like 1&1 where I heard many bad things about, but do not know where else to look. I heard HostGator is pretty good and I found coupons online where it only costs $0.01 for the first month.

Is it worth it?
I believe if they spread them arround that is really worth it. I think that they know what they are doing and I think that you shouldn't worryb about their ROI ;)
Just to give you my perspective, i've had a reseller account with hostgator for over 2 years and have been very pleased with them. Their live chat is only useful on very basic questions, so always email support instead for my in depth questions.

I don't think you can go wrong with hostgator but again try it out and see how it goes.

i've also heard a lot of bad things with 1 and1 and thin they are so big that its hard to keep everything running so smoothly.
Just go for it :) If you dont like it even after a few months then you just need to transfer. If it's just a shared account you are after then you wont be loosing much anyway and especially if the first month is just 0.01c.
It's only $0.01. I really don't think you have much of anything to lose. I'm sure they'll be happy to refund you if needed.
Again, people seem to be missing the point here.

I have nothing against Hostgator at all so this does not reflect on them, rather I am addressing the perception that the cost of hosting is somehow related to the value of the site.

If you value your site or if you are dependant on the site for revenue then downtime equals money lost.

Sure. The hosting cost may be minimal but what if the site generates hundreds of dollars in revenue each day?
What if the site goes down and you cannot contact support and cannot move your site to a new server for several hours or even days?

Then what is the cost? Far more than a few cents or a few dollars that the hosting would be.

Like I said. If you value your site then choose your hosting acccordingly.
Sorry if this is the wrong board. I am looking for a good, large hosting company but do not know where to start. There are some like 1&1 where I heard many bad things about, but do not know where else to look. I heard HostGator is pretty good and I found coupons online where it only costs $0.01 for the first month.

Is it worth it?

You said you are looking for a "good, large hosting company". I would go with what Blue said. The size of the company doesn't mean a thing. There are plenty of small companies that will give as good, if not better service the a 'large' company because they care and are trying to build their business.

Nothing against Hostgator either.

BTW - I'm new here, so I'll also say HELLO in this post!
Sorry if this is the wrong board. I am looking for a good, large hosting company but do not know where to start. There are some like 1&1 where I heard many bad things about, but do not know where else to look. I heard HostGator is pretty good and I found coupons online where it only costs $0.01 for the first month.

Is it worth it?

For $.01 how can you go wrong? The only things you may have problem with is if you are hosting videos or a lot of pictures that are accessed frequently.
now for my 2 cents worth
could 1cent hosting really garner such debate...even the well bashed 1and1 would be worth the price.... :>)
i heard hostgator is not bad over all - with their size they do get complaints of course - but of course the larger you are the more compliants there are ---
Even if hostgator is a good one, I would rather start with some thing not as big... I would like going with the company of an average size.

There are lots of reliable companies which are not too big and thus able to provide desirable rate of support and service.

Some of them, say, even provide a month
free trial for their reseller hosting plans. I suppose it is more reasonable that to go with lkarge companies of overselling....

but this is only IMO, it is only your choise...

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