24Shells - Unmetered Bandwidth, Powerful E5 CPU with 12 to 20 cores


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24Shells, Over 14 Years In The Hosting Industry!

Reasons to select 24Shells As Your Hosting Provider!

--- Over 14 Years In The Hosting Industry!
--- Dedicated Servers Located in New York Metro Area
--- Test IP's & Files Available: http://www.24shells.net/speedtest.html
--- ARIN Assigned IPv4 IP Addresses
--- Instantly Deployed
--- Hardware and Software RAID Available
--- 100% Uptime SLA (http://www.24shells.net/100sla.html
--- Premium IP Network
--- Network Blend of Level3, Telia, Cogent, Abovenet/Zayo and NYIIX
--- Excellent connectivity to Europe
--- Connect Financial Markets 1 to 2ms
--- Enterprise Grade Hardware,
Western Digital RE Drives!
--- FREE IPMI/KVM Access Available from portal

Dual Intel Xeon E5-2620 (12 cores w/ 24 threads)
1TB SATA RE Enterprise Drive
5 IP Addresses
1 Gbps Unmereted Bandwidth
1gbps port
$149.99 per month
Order Now

Dual Xeon E5-2620v4 (16 cores w/ 32 threads)
1TB SATA RE Enterprise Drive
5 IP Addresses
1Gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
1gbps port
$199.99 per month
Order Now

Dual Xeon E5-2620v4 (16 cores w/ 32 threads)
1TB SATA RE Enterprise Drive
5 IP Addresses
1Gbps Unmetered Bandwidth
1gbps port
$249.99 per month
Order Now

Upgrade to 10Gbps Bandwidth - $2000 per month

Additional Options available with each server:

Operating Systems;
Operating Systems;
Centos 6.5 64bit
Centos 7.x 64bit
Debian 7.x 64bit
Debian 8.x 64bit
Fedora 20 64bit
Ubuntu 14.x 64bit
Ubuntu 15.x 64bit
Ubuntu 16.x 64bit
FreeBSD 10.x 64bit
Citrix Xenserver
Vmware ESXi 5.x
Vmware ESXi 6.x
Windows Server 2016 Standard 64bit
Windows Server 2016 Datacenter 64bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bit
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 64bit

Control Panels;
cPanel/WHM Panel
Parallels Plesk 12 Linux / Windows
SolusVM Enterprise

Reach Us By Phone @ 1.888.384.4678 Chat With Us LIVE @ www.24shells.net Email Us @ sales@24shells.net