Accounting on the Cheap


New member
I'm working on a hosting business and need a place to start recording expenditures (and one day, revenues :) WHMCS will take care of client accounting, etc., but I want a place to write down that I spent $X this month on hosting, $X to register a domain, paid $X for advertising, etc.

I don't want to sink $180+ into QuickBooks at this stage of the game.

I've been looking at Ledger SMB, which is a free self-hosted, web-based product. I'm sure it doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but really all I need is a place to write down expenses and attach documentation, in case I'm ever audited.

Someone also mentioned Outright to me, though I really would prefer self-hosted.

I have had several accounting classes and while I'm no CPA, I'm reasonably conversant in the basics. At this point, I could probably do things in Excel.

Just curious what others use.
Have you looked at Lazy8 Ledger? We used that briefly then switched to Quickbooks for the day to day expenditures.

No problem. It does have a steep learning curve if you are new to double entry accounting, however if you have some account experience, you will slip right into the groove. And best of all, its all open source :) Can't get much more free, than free :)

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