Add-on Domains


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Do you think it is wise to disable and remove the ability to allow customers to have add-on domains on their hosting packages?

I am considering removing the ability for them to use that feature of cPanel. My only reason for this is that it looks like some customers choose to use add-on domains to spammertise, well spam in general.
this is a feature i never activate for any clients. if they want to add extra domains then they need to upgrade to a reseller account
I've never had an issue with people using the Add-On domains. Many of the domain registrars will handle the routing of a domain name to a particular folder also, and with some basic .htaccess rewrites you can make it look just like an add-on even if you didn't set it up in cPanel.

Any client, and I mean ANY CLIENT, that uses a site to spam is terminated. So whether they setup an add-on domain or a regular hosting account, the entire account is terminate if they knowly setup the account to spam other people. That should be basic policy in your TOS anyway.

I use Add-On's all the time, even on our own site. There are marketing things that we will run where we give a domain name and it links to an Add-On. Never had an issue.
You can remove that ability in order to encourage upselling, like easyhostmedia mentioned.

That being said, I would not take away the addon domain feature. It's something that doesn't really cost you anything, and it's quite commonly offered in the industry. Not having it can cost you in terms of sales. I also don't think that the addon domain feature itself is attracting spammers.
You can remove that ability in order to encourage upselling, like easyhostmedia mentioned.

That being said, I would not take away the addon domain feature. It's something that doesn't really cost you anything, and it's quite commonly offered in the industry. Not having it can cost you in terms of sales. I also don't think that the addon domain feature itself is attracting spammers.

The problem we are having is that people sign up with their main domain.

They later add domains to their account to use to spam.

But when we get notified that a customer of ours is spamming and we are provided with the domain being used I usually find that domain in their account as an add-on domain.
We are constantly monitoring the use of addon domains to prevent this.. but theres always a chance its happening. Theres no point in deleting this feature all together though.. you do not disable email just because people can spam through it...
initially addon domains are set to 0 for clients, if a client wants to use addon domains then they have to justify its usage, just like justifing extra IPs
When you're talking about enabling or disabling any features offered to your clients, you have to measure this against what the industry is offering.

Of course, you can be successful whatever you offer, but are you maximizing your success?

Personally, I wouldn't sign up with a provider that restricted add-on domains, and I don't think I'm that much different than the average consumer.
I have not noticed any drop in sales since doing this as the feature is their and is listed in plans, just that clients need to request this enabled on their account after justifing the reason for this.

the other day i had a client ask for 5 addon domains, his reason was to place 5 other sites on his account for work collegues. to me this was using a shared account to resell which is against our TOS and that of many hosts.
I have not noticed any drop in sales since doing this as the feature is their and is listed in plans, just that clients need to request this enabled on their account after justifing the reason for this.

the other day i had a client ask for 5 addon domains, his reason was to place 5 other sites on his account for work collegues. to me this was using a shared account to resell which is against our TOS and that of many hosts.

I understand where you're coming from, Terry, but not noticing a drop in sales doesn't mean you're maximizing your potential sales. When a business signs up with us online, we don't try to read into what they want to do with that service - that's why we have a TOS.
If you remove that option, you will lose customers. This is an option that makes me stay with certain hosting companies
This is a feature most people do sometimes look for. Having this disable can force clients to go other places. I have never had a problem with the addon domains features with any of my clients and also as handsonwebhosting said, if a client is spamming in any way their account is terminated
if a client is spamming in any way their account is terminated

the same here. but as i have had problems with using trying to use the addon domain feature to resell i do not disable this as addons are listed on plans, but clients have to justify why they need to use this before it is fully activated
the same here. but as i have had problems with using trying to use the addon domain feature to resell i do not disable this as addons are listed on plans, but clients have to justify why they need to use this before it is fully activated

How do you do this then?
How do you do this then?

this is easy to do if you use cpanel/WHM

first on your site you would list the plans as normal with the addon domains displayed and a small footer toi the plans saying addon domains are activated with justification.

then when a client requests these and you agree, you go into your root WHM >> list accounts and then find the account of the client and then mouse over the clients username and the edit button will appear under the username click on this and it will open an edit are for than account. then you just add the addons and then click save.

this is then done
Customers like addon domains, price it into your plan structure and server limit (so you know the potential number of sites) and you will be fine.
Customers like addon domains, price it into your plan structure and server limit (so you know the potential number of sites) and you will be fine.

these are priced into plans, but i only ask clients to request addons to be activated when they justify their usage.

I have not had a single complaint on this method

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