AddWeb Website Submitter


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I've seen this program at BestBuy called AddWeb website submitter. Like $80 I think. Has anyone had any luck with it?

I haven't seen or used it, but my opinion is to save your money. If your site is new, make sure you target your message to your market, choose your keywords carefully, and submit it manually to the 6 - 8 major search engines one time only.

If your site has already been indexed, concentrate on page text making sure it contains your most important keywords. Having quality incoming links will also help increase your ranking.

Try Web CEO if you want to try using software to help with search engine submission and optimization. They have a free edition that you can try out and it might just do everything you need.
I don't think an automated submission tool can make any good to one's website rankings. It might very well damage it or even worse, getting it into google blacklist.
I use Advanced WebRanking which is only showing you the relevant search engines and guides you directly to the submission page. BUT it's not automtic, because eventually, you are the one who submits the page. Anyway, I use AWR mostly for their good reporting system of the URLs I track.
I think that using automated submission systems, one can only jeopardize his current rankings. Just my 2 cents ...
Manual submit is the best.Especially Google may decrease PR if submitted by automated ways. Keywords, meta desc. and body are also very important.
Yes for major search engine i think if best submit manually.

i haved using software for submit my site, but then again i recieing email confirmation for my site submit to some search engine.

so what the different manual and automated ???
I have this program and it does submit your website cause I get replies to confirm my submittions..
Submitting your website to search engines, manual or automatic is not going to help. The search engines will find your site automatically. The best way to get indexed is to get other sites to link directly to you, preferably linking to your site without a reciprocal link. The spiders only need one link from another site to find you.

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