Adsense on Your Own Webhosting Website?


New member
A lot of people are earning real money from Adsense. I am thinking twice of adding Adsense to my web hosting site. Naturally, the ads that would show up in my website would be that of other webhosting companies. Possible clients would most probably click on those ads and might fight a better deal compared to what I offer. Do you have adsense on your own webhosting site?
It is believed by many, and I concur, that placing ads that lead to your competitors is not only detrimental to your number of sales, but is detrimental to your company's image as well. At most, you could place some ads/partner with say a web design company, but not something that will lead to your direct competitors.
I wouldn't advise putting ANY ads on your hosting biz site AT ALL. That shows you are unprofessional and it makes you look cheap. If your a professional company, you should have no ads or any adversting of any sort on your site. It should all be text and images of your layout.
I second above opinions. If you are seriously into a business of web hosting, don't fall in the trap. Adsense revenues shouldn't be the base for you. You must base sales of actual accounts sold and that will not happen well, if adsense ads show up on your pages. In addition you loose traffic to competition as well.
If you really interested in putting ads, you can filter out your competitors ads by using AdSense Setup->Competitive Ad Filter.
To me...

Adsense on your web hosting site will look like your begging for money, and it shows that your business is slow. But for non-profit businesses like hobby sites, I have no issue with. But on sites that you are "expected" to earn revenue on its, a little embarrassing.
VERY BAD IDEA! Clients look for a business that's making profit. They do however understand that you won't start making profit as soon as you open. But using AdSense on your business website will turn them off. It's like putting banners in business offices. Get my point? :)
Putting ads = 0 Clients,
I think sometime back there were no free hosting without ads on them. But nowadays you are getting most of free hosting without any ads on them. No clients would prefer you if you are putting ads on your accounts which you setup for them. This is a very bad idea and I never want this forum users to try those such foolish techniques like that !
Don't do it! Don't even do the "competitive ad block!" That idea screams "fly by night" which is certainly not the image you are looking to attain.
I agree with the above! Having ads on your site makes it look a lot less professional and I think reduces client trust. In the long run the amount you could make off adsense won't balance out for the lost customers.
I wouldn't advise putting ANY ads on your hosting biz site AT ALL. That shows you are unprofessional and it makes you look cheap. If your a professional company, you should have no ads or any adversting of any sort on your site. It should all be text and images of your layout.

Well hoe it looks cheep buddy all the site mordiators do that to make the site more popular , whats so cheep in it..??:crash:

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