
Word of mouth and referalls. Also one thing I've learnt is not to count advertising as I've spent $100 but got only $50 in sales. Its also about brand recongition (learnt that one the hard way)

Word of mouth and referalls. Also one thing I've learnt is not to count advertising as I've spent $100 but got only $50 in sales. Its also about brand recongition (learnt that one the hard way)


Is that $50 recurring every month though?
If so, thats actually a very good amount from only spending $100 on ads.
Brand recognition is the main thing for advertising, it helps spread word of mouth and getting sales direct from banner clicks is an extra bonus I think.
The word of mouth and people remembering your company name from advertising can be worth a lot more than a few sales from people directly clicking on your ad.
Yep word of mouth and referrals here too, It not only gets you usually the most customers but they tend to be the same type of clients whereas when you advertise you get the good with the bad such as the spammers and other types I personally would like to slap around.
I'm a little biased, because my wife owns a media buying agency - see sig - but the two main sources for me are 1. VERY targeted ads, which my wife graciously plans for a slightly discounted fee and 2. web designers.

I pay web designers either through a reseller program, or a flat rate referral fee.

I find that most of the non-technical designers prefer to get the flat referral fee - because they provide no support and don't have to monkey with billings, etc.

While the more technically minded designers and developers prefer the reseller program where they provide first level support, incoice their own customers and I'm an invisible resource to them.

I think ads in search engines will help more than word of mouth as my clients are from diff places...
They might be from different places, but you can still get more clients from the one place if someone that is your customer recommends it.

With ads in search engines, it can cost more in the long run.
If you have a number of satisfied customers, it is likely to bring even more through word of mouth.
Word of mouth will work in case if you have more clients
. For newbies it won't work gr8.
We can start with some other kind of ads and later when our business expands word of mouth will support greatly.

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