All those Top 10 Hosting Sites


New member
There are so many, and what's worse is that they pay attention only to the most popular hosts, like HostGator or FatCow or Bluehost. If it weren't for message boards like these, I'd have a hard time knowing about other hosts that offer plenty to their customers. I guess my question to host sites advertising here, how do you draw customers to you? It takes so much digging around to find out information and discover the few and far-between reviews for different hosts.
If you look at most of the top 10 hosting sites you will see that to get in their top 10 you need to pay, so the more you pay the higher you get in their listings. this is how its usually to big boys that are in their top 10 as they have the money to pay to be their.

to draw customers its hard work these days, but advertise wisely use facebook, twitter etc. now. i also twice a year run a special promotion plan that i will place on ebay. also give excellent service and the word will spread.
It is hard to attract customers, but you have to do something that makes you stand out above the crowd. Anyone with truck loads of marketing money can easily get into the top 10 of almost any web host review site, but those sites can be very deceiving.

Word of mouth is probably one of our best sources of traffic. Recently we have been pushing more of the web hosting forums and just trying to interact with possible clients. We believe that if you provide outstanding customer service, the clients are going to remember that the most and are going to be telling everyone they can about it.

One of the things we do is if a client comes to us for services and we believe that their needs wouldn't be met by our available resources, we refer them to companies that we believe would be better suited for their needs. Does this mean lost sales? Sure it does, who wouldn't want to land a big client, however, that client is more likely to remember that Oh hey, they were really helpful, I should look to them for my next project.

It's all about karma.

Good luck in your search for a provider. Remember, a diamond in the rough is never an easy find.

When first starting out, giving back to the community (forums) and providing help to people for everything from web design to web hosting issues, this will earn you quite a bit of respect and often times will transfer into clients.

For us, we have strong ties with particular software. We've been the largest X-Cart hosting provider since they started in 2000, and with more than 5,000 posts in their forums providing troubleshooting and assistance, we have a nice little niche in there. We have more than 2,500 X-Cart ECommerce customers as a result.

One of the biggest places you can put your money however is directly into SEO. Do a search on google some day with just "cpanel hosting" and have a look who is in the #2-4 position... oh, that's us ;) How does a little guy like us beat a giant like Hostgator that sells the same product? SEO baby! Instead of paying for advertising on the google adwords, we dump it all into SEO and we get the traffic as a result. Just that phrase alone gets over 60,000 searches per month. Many of the phrases we go after are getting anywhere between 15,000-300,000 searches per month, and we're ranking position 1-5 on them. Any phrases less than 1,000 searches, we nearly always take the #1 spot on Google & Bing.

So, from our end, if you're spending money on Adwords, spend it on SEO instead. It will take a few months to get results, but it will last much longer than the money spend on Adwords!

Team up with web designers and like minded individuals. Cross promote products. Purchase banners & graphics on various blogs and forums. And always keep in mind who your target is - end users. We normally stay away from advertising where other hosts are advertising - less competition means more reward.
Sometimes, bigger name means more reliability and safety. Personally I would not consider a very small hosting company to host my website because you never know when they run out of business.
Sometimes, bigger name means more reliability and safety. Personally I would not consider a very small hosting company to host my website because you never know when they run out of business.

their is more chance a larger company going out of business, also larger businesses have a thing that they think they are above any law and their TOS are the law, so if anything goes wrong they will always quote their TOS even if the law says otherwise.
I agree with the others. The "top" hosting companies pay a lot of money to be on the lists, and pay recurrent payments to keep there. I never believe in such lists, reviews and rating.
I know some owners of such websites who make good money out of affiliate commissions. This is all about. Most of these so called "top 10" or "best 10" list the same providers. Thoes are usually web hosts that offer unrealistically high commissions per sale. At the end of the days, publishers do not get money for each referral they make, because web hosts manage commissions in-house and find a way to trick and implement various hidden TOS. I would not suggest anyone to get fished by commission larger than 30% - 35% per sale. In some cases 50% might be reasonable, but I doubt that!
I know some owners of such websites who make good money out of affiliate commissions. This is all about. Most of these so called "top 10" or "best 10" list the same providers. Thoes are usually web hosts that offer unrealistically high commissions per sale. At the end of the days, publishers do not get money for each referral they make, because web hosts manage commissions in-house and find a way to trick and implement various hidden TOS. I would not suggest anyone to get fished by commission larger than 30% - 35% per sale. In some cases 50% might be reasonable, but I doubt that!

this is the case normally, but in the case of the OP it is 100% deception. he created a FAKE top10 site placed himself as no 1 to attract clients who think he is a top host as most people would not check the top10 site to see who owns that
A lot of them is "scams". They are set up by the company or some affiliates looking to make a quick buck.
I have made some kind of hosting directories research recently and noticed that all hosting directories has top 10 hosting providers. What confuses me is that the same top 10 providers are indicated in all hosting directories (Hosgator, GoDdady, Bluehost, InMotionHosting,GreenGeeks etc.) And this fact makes me think that you can simply buy a place in the list of top 10 hosting providers, if you have enough money for advertising.
I have made some kind of hosting directories research recently and noticed that all hosting directories has top 10 hosting providers. What confuses me is that the same top 10 providers are indicated in all hosting directories (Hosgator, GoDdady, Bluehost, InMotionHosting,GreenGeeks etc.) And this fact makes me think that you can simply buy a place in the list of top 10 hosting providers, if you have enough money for advertising.

well thats how most of them operate, the more money you pay the higher you get in the list
Treat your costumers as people not numbers. The hosts I have had good luck with I post and talk about. I have actually left hosts that do not treat me right or care about me. There was at least 2 hosts I had that only cared about my money and not me. I had a few issues and they acted like they didn't care. One of them I actually had a month free and during that free month I had great support and service. Right after I paid they seemed to not care one way or another.

The host I have now is great and treats me right.

When I like a host and want to thank them I come to sites like this and make a review. Most of the time it is just to say thank you to them. I do not even make money on that either. Heck I never actually made any money on affiliate links, sites like these usually do not allow them. My current host does not offer an affiliate plan.

What I am trying to say is if you are good to your customers they will be good to you. So that is the best way to get more customers.

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