Android Gains More Market share than Blackberry

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Android has finally pawned one of their most veteran rivals by huge margin and now they are on a continuous move to gain more market share than ever before. Their next rival now is none other than Apple iPhone but they would have to do a lot better to even come close to them in competition.

There are several reasons which provide a fine class of discrimination between Apple iPhone and Android phones. Android being the open source platform has granted the application developers full access and authority to modify the code to any extent they want to, and developers do take great advantages of it.

Apple on the other hand doesn’t grant such freedom to its software developers and restricts them in many ways. They are given access to limited API only and they have to manage within the defined limits. This leads to less innovative products but more sales and revenue generating capabilities, as their whole platform is completely commercialized. Android platform however, has failed to attract major developers and despite of having awesome development capabilities, they have failed to create a market like iTunes that offers quality products to their customers.

More apps are finding their way everyday to the market from both platforms and war is still on and pretty much indecisive. iPhone is leading though with a big margin but Android can’t said to be lagging behind, as they successfully managed to secure the second spot in the World’s mobile application market. Other platforms like Symbian and Blackberry are still in blues and losing their market share rapidly.
Let’s see what happens in future and who leads the market ultimately.
Android has finally pawned one of their most veteran rivals by huge margin and now they are on a continuous move to gain more market share than ever before. Their next rival now is none other than Apple iPhone but they would have to do a lot better to even come close to them in competition.

Google has already done better than Apple. By 2012 the number of Android OS users will exceed those with Apple iOS. Apple's continuous pursuit to keep systems closed to their own hardware, unlike Android that you can find on dozens of devices, is already catching up.
Seems like everywhere I go I see people with a Droid. I see far fewer people with an iPhone. Even when I was in DC last week, the subway, the streets, and even government buildings were using Droids rather than iPhones.

Android OS has captured the market in Q1 and Q2 of 2010 with more sales than the iPhone. Granted, Android is on a number of different manufacturers phones and they're available on every major carrier network (including AT&T) - but Apple has pretty much shot themselves in the foot by requiring users to use only ONE network.

Time will tell, but it's not looking good at all for iPhone's reign.
200,000 Android devices is sold every day.

Btw, iPhone is expected to come to Verizon in the next few months, I believe.
Yeah, I think it's January when it's to start with Verizon. I'm sure there'll be another boost for them once they expand into other networks. I still think the exclusivity deal was a bad move.
Rim and Symbian are way out of date. I would wonder if someone keep using such OS after experiencing an Android phone or iPhone.
Operators are at risk of losing pre-eminence in the relationship with the consumer or user in the smartphone era. In order to maintain economic leverage there must be multiple offerings.Well I have never really played with the iPhone that much I have had my Droid X phone going on a month now.I love the Droid.

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