Another UK member !


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Just been pointed here by John, so I'd better let you know a bit about me.

Me... Alex Monaghan, like others I'm in Herts, UK.

I have 2 jobs :) I work for a large IT Services organisation as a SQL DBA, I also run Monaghan Consultants Ltd doing some database design & web hosting. I won't plug anything now as I'm rushed off my feet at present (and haven't had time to give any of my personal or business web sites their long overdue revamps), but I'm sure I'll be tempted to post a few ads at some stage :)

I've been in the IT industry since the mid 80's and have been a long time Internet user (benefit of working for a large communications company during the 80's / early 90's). I was an Internet user before this funny http thing that started replacing gopher servers, long before Nominet took control of the .uk name space (back when domain names were free !)

Before anyone asks, I don't watch / like / have any interest in football, however, you will find me in front of the TV for most (all if I can get away with it) F1 GP's.

Until a few years ago (arrival of children !), I used to be heavily involved with the UK rally scene and would be out most weekends running stage radio or acting as a marshal or stage safety officer.

Essentially I'm a hard working family man, comitted Christian (part of local Baptist Church) and generally all round nice guy who eats & breaths computers and tries to do business with old fashioned values, yet using modern technology :)

OK wake up, I've finished !
Hey Alex!
Great intro :D

Seems like you have great and vast experience with the internet.

I would have asked you about footy if you didnt say btw ;)
Im a big footy fan but not so fond of F1.

I am very interested in rally driving though although have never had a chance to do anything proper myself, would be great fun to though. Im sure I will have a go at it one day ;)

I think theres 3 people from your area here now hehe

Well, welcome to the forum anyway, good to have your experience here!
Rally marshalling is a very good way to get into the action and see what things are really like.

Where abouts are you ? Try your local motor club, there are usually many local or regional championships.

You ideally need your own rally car, but there are events that are suitable for standard production cars. My best was a 3rd in class for a club navigational event using public roads.

Most amusing rallying experience was on an operational RAF airfield, we had a car fire on stage (no problem as crew were out OK and plenty of room to pass), but the stage commander wouldn't make a decision, so the local RAF fire crew jumped in the green goddess drove straight through the stage area and dealt with it, however, someone independantly made a 999 call on their mobile giving the airfield as the location, this naturally resulted is a major incident for the local emergency crews. Guess who was Stage Safety Officer :) That was a fun one to write up afterwards :-(
Im in Belfast.
Seen a pretty big rally starting from the city centre last year, some amazing cars there.

Im sure the write up for that must have been fun hehe :D

I know a few people with rally cars but they are in Donegal, a lot of back roads there which are empty so they probably go about there.
I would love to do it off-road, think it would be a good bit more fun

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