Anyone have any good to say?


New member
Does anyone know anything good about free hosters? I know pleanty bad, just curious to hear some good things for the kids looking to get sites that obviously do or can not pay for hosting.
I think is pretty good, but you have to live in France to use their services (you CAN use it in Europe, but you're not allowed to).

100mb space
No bandwidth monitoring

Only bad thing: mail() has been disabled. I think you can use an SMTP server though.
I have a question about free hosting


Free hosting do these guys actually make enough money just by selling their clients e-mail addresses and ad space to make a profit?

I don't really see how they make their money. Which I guess why I don't offer free hosting lol

but what's everyones thoughts on this do free hosters actually make good profits or do they just stay afloat?

Jreis - co-owner
Their main business is being an ISP, and they offer free hosting to their customers. It does say that you have to connect to their services once every 3 months though, but it's never been enforced (for me at least).
They make money via banners. If they don't place banners on your site then they probably don't have another source of income, so they die quicker.
Alan Reynolds said:
You get what you pay for.

True True, but I just got a whole lotta space (100Mb) and bandwidth (10Gb) with all the odds and sods (Including a Ensim Control Panel) for $0.00; which was good. :p
moogz said:

True True, but I just got a whole lotta space (100Mb) and bandwidth (10Gb) with all the odds and sods (Including a Ensim Control Panel) for $0.00; which was good. :p

lol where?
I also give the same package for 9.95 per month but We offer a little more also like true24/7 phone(toll free) tech support and a great customer service which is almost unheard of in the hosting business.
I saw it advertised on a forum and I decided to signup, I was shocked! :p

Portland are a joke. FTP is often down, 100MB transfer. :rolleyes:
Where I live, you get an ISP -- they give you something between 8 and 12 mb (and an impossibly long url that the CIA couldn't remember)

not free, but goes with the deal
bodhrain2001 said:
Where I live, you get an ISP -- they give you something between 8 and 12 mb (and an impossibly long url that the CIA couldn't remember)

not free, but goes with the deal

Where i live (australia) all ISPs give u free webspace...but they usually dont support things like PHP and dont give u your own cgi-bin:(
free hosting

Haven't had any bad things to happen with us, as my wife is hosting a personal site on angelfire. Has pretty good space, and doesn't have too awful much advertising.


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