Arvixe is now an EIG company!

I cannot admit to this. The only evidence I have is more unreliable than the alleged new unreliability of the newly acquired companies, that is, semi-anonymous posts in hosting forums repeating other semi-anonymous posts none of which are based on any empirical data.

Well no one can 100% guarantee any reviews posted on any forum as true, but if these are untrue then you would never get so many clients of EIG brands complaining of bad services and no one from any of these companies never turn up to defend their services or admit issues

how many people go onto forums to praise hosts compared to reporting bad hosts
Well no one can 100% guarantee any reviews posted on any forum as true, but if these are untrue then you would never get so many clients of EIG brands complaining of bad services and no one from any of these companies never turn up to defend their services or admit issues

You are demonstrating my point. You admit that one cannot determine the truth of these posts, thus one cannot deduce any known truth from them. Moreover, most of these posts are not "reviews" but clams

To your next point, one complaint about each of 5 different hosting companies will convert to 5 complaints of a single hosting company (eig). This would contribute to the appearance that things are worse than before.
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You are demonstrating my point. You admit that one cannot determine the truth of these posts, thus one cannot deduce any known truth from them. Moreover, most of these posts are not "reviews" but clams

Yes but look on any hosting forum to the level of complaints on any EIG acquired business/host which non of these are ever replied to by EIG or the host that is being bashed, so without any reply admitting an issue with server (which we all know does happens) or short staffed etc, then what are anyone reading the bashings to believe.

I have experience of an EIG acquisition of Bluehost. I had a reseller plan with Bluehost which was A1 in terns of performance and support, this continued after EIG took them over, then EIG moved their servers to their own datacentre and support to their own support centre, from the on the performance when from an uptime of 95 to 100% to an average 30% and rather than get a support requested answered in 24 hrs it become an average 3 days with the most i waited was 6 days.

so yes once an acquired host is moved fully to the EIG system clients will suffer
I have experience of an EIG acquisition of Bluehost. I had a reseller plan with Bluehost which was A1 in terns of performance and support, this continued after EIG took them over....[until they moved their servers]

Once again you are illustrating my point. Not referring to you personally, but if you posted a complaint about bluehost after acquisition, but before server move, the problem would have been blamed, at least by other fourm readers, on the acquisition "eig again....blah blah blah." This blame game creates a false picture, and at the very least exaggerates the alleged problem
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