Average Ticket Time?


New member
What is your average ticket response time. Not always a solution, but just to let you know customer know, that someone has read their problem.

Im just wondering if I am being too hard on my guys by enforcing a very short time limit on the first response. :)
That is actually a very cool question to ask. I am quite interested to learn about that myself.
While it is a good question it doesn't serve much purpose.
The question is too open to dishonesty.
What is to stop a host who has a 24 hour average response answering that they have a 20 minute average ticket time just to make their company sound better?

What you have to take into consideration is there are many honest hosts on this forum. Yes, some host will provide response times of 20 minutes and they will really provide 24 hour response times. However, it is still an excellent question.

Personally our response times range from 15 minutes to and 1 hr. It depends on how many tech guys we have on, how many tickets are submitted and how long a problem takes to be resolved.

A security issue with the server will have to be forward to an administrator and it will take longer. An email issue could be resolved within the first response.

MadroosterTony, keep tough on your guys. It sets a standard for your company and you as a manager.

Good Luck!
We always strive for a 5-10 min response time.

However, it really depends on the issue at hand, as well as the tech handling the issue.

Some of our techs get wrapped up in determining the root of the problem, and completely forget to say "Oh hey, we got your message, we're working on it" The issue typically takes the same amount of time to resolve, but there are certainly times that the client is not notified before the issue is resolved

So while we strive for the 5-10 min rt, I can't lie, some of our techs simply forget to let the client know that they're working on it, and instead simply.....work on it.

We've been pushing the issue a bit more to get to the client and let them know your on it, but again, some techs simply forget.
Response time won't fix your problem. Some company tend to reply when the problem is fixed and some will reply immidiately after they receive the ticket.
We definitely reply to our support requests as soon as we receive them, we check all support e-mails and tickets on the hour every hour, so most requests are answered within a half hour of being received, sometimes sooner.

We do not necessarily provide a direct answer to the question, however we will provide general information and the amount of time we expect to get the situation resolved, if in fact it will take us some time to solve the issue. These reponses are appreciated, as the clients, if they are aware of the task they are asking about, will all ready know that it will take time, but they want to know that you have actually started working on it in that case, and that is important.

Hope this helps.
Initial response is given in 20 minutes; not with any auto responders but a personal mail from our dedicated support engineer with solutions. If the issue is critical then we do provide information regarding the amount of time required to resolve the issue.
Our general response time is 10-15 minutes. Reboots are generally faster but we always make sure that the server comes back up and isn't stuck at fsck or something else before we respond to the customer.
Blue said:
While it is a good question it doesn't serve much purpose.
The question is too open to dishonesty.
What is to stop a host who has a 24 hour average response answering that they have a 20 minute average ticket time just to make their company sound better?

Not only that but how about quality? Ok ticket answered in 60 minutes but doesn't make sense. Or makes matters work. You really have to divide quality into ticket time to get a true measure.

Also, some tickets aren't as important as others. So ticket time in itself is NOT a true barometer.

We like to use a quality meter personally.
MadroosterTony said:
What is your average ticket response time. Not always a solution, but just to let you know customer know, that someone has read their problem.

Im just wondering if I am being too hard on my guys by enforcing a very short time limit on the first response. :)

I check my e-mails usually every 10-20 minutes.. when I see that someone needs help I reply ASAP
We take on an average 10 to 15 minutes for first reply on an board were we solve about 60 ticket by each tech per shift including chat.

To improve response time we configure the address in outlook to get instant view of any new ticket. :)
I'd say a big part of the response time, would be the timezone you are in...

I submitted a cPanel support ticket and had a response within a few hours. When I submtited a second one, 10hrs later, it took nearly a day for a response to come through...
I've learned that if you respond to a trouble ticket letting the customer know you are currently looking into the problem and will report back soon with more information, it puts them at ease, knowing their issue is being looked into and taken care of. Even if it takes you extra time than anticipated, this gives the customer a good sense of comfort and reliability with your company.
I personally hate 'using' tickets, I think the response time is just far to long. I know they probably have a huge amount of tickets to respond to, but hey hire more staff...

Often I 'have' to open a ticket to see why my website is down, and waiting for a response for two hours just really doesn't help get my site back up does it!
Also the time difference is a nightmare, I am one for Live Support! My current host, recently removed that feature and I am very disappointed.
Jade said:
I know they probably have a huge amount of tickets to respond to, but hey hire more staff
That by far, is easier said than done. It's not always easy to allocate money for new staff...even one.
I am one for Live Support!
You'll find that many providers (if not most) will limit Live Support to Level1 issues only. This enables them to take care of most simple issues fast, and at minimum cost. Having level3 techs explaining how to setup an email account in outlook isn't exactly the most efficient approach. :)
Normally our response time is between 5 to 10 minutes once the ticket is received on board.But incase if the issue is gonna take time to get resolved, We just inform client that "We are working on your issue and it will take some time to get completely resolved rather than having a temporary fix on it.You will be updated as soon this is done "

This way client knows that their issue has been read and you are working on that....
Our avg response is 3h 35m... Now we have 24/7 support so next month I will hope to see that at least cut to 1hr.

Sometimes our responses are quick and we get them sent out in 20min (with the issue fixed if it's basic :) ).
