Bad Design?


New member
Does anyone know of any sites that list bad design examples? I am teaching a class and sometimes you can show people what to do by showing them what NOT to do :)

haha..nice example of how not to make pages..or rather what images not to use
the site looks like it was made in 98 or somewhere !
I think a bad site is any site that does not flow well, a really nice site always flows it doesn't have bold colors its nice its light colors and doesn't use large area's of 1 color expecially if its a default color all of the default colors besides black and white should never be used in my opinion.
I think that any site that has frames is poorly designed. It is cumbersome for the user to scroll on the site.

what class do you teach? Is it in web design?

lpelham said:
Does anyone know of any sites that list bad design examples? I am teaching a class and sometimes you can show people what to do by showing them what NOT to do :)

lpelham said:
Does anyone know of any sites that list bad design examples? I am teaching a class and sometimes you can show people what to do by showing them what NOT to do :)


Look under geocities or tripod lycos free webspace. Choice categories as MLM, get rich quick, etc. You will find tons of bad design examples.

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