Best Keyword Research Tools?


New member
I'm currently using a couple of free keyword tools - Adwords Keyword Tool and the Wordtracker Free Keyword Tool - are there any other tools worth working with that I am missing?
In order to fully learn of the keywords status and what terms your website needs to target, use a combination of methods like Google AdWords, Wordtracker and Keyword Spy and then take a look at the websites in your niche that are already appearing on the first page of Google for learning how your colleagues are doing on the net and then prepare a listing of the main and secondary terms to begin with.
In order to fully learn of the keywords status and what terms your website needs to target, use a combination of methods like Google AdWords, Wordtracker and Keyword Spy and then take a look at the websites in your niche that are already appearing on the first page of Google for learning how your colleagues are doing on the net and then prepare a listing of the main and secondary terms to begin with.

great post, i have the whole weekend reserved for keyword research
Wordtracker has a free trial so you should go check it out and see how you like it.There are three major keyword suggestions tools available.
1.Google Adword
2.Keyword tracker
3.Keyword Discovery

Keyword discovery is best.
Google has some great tools for understanding how they see your site better (i.e. webmaster tools, google analytics, etc). Rand Fishkin over at SEOMoz has built an incredible set of tools for SEO. They're paid, but worth every penny.
I use only Google AdWords Tool and I make money, which shows that it's more than enough for research. But Market Samurai is definitely something to consider. I never used it before and some input (about general features) from guys who used it would be great.
Great post

Wordtracker has a free trial so you should go check it out and see how you like it.There are three major keyword suggestions tools available.
1.Google Adword
2.Keyword tracker
3.Keyword Discovery

Keyword discovery is best.

Great post!

I am going for google adwords, cause its the only easiest to access too, right now. Will have a look at the rest later sometime, when feel the need.

I use google keyword tool and keywordeye, the second one is excellent in the way it delivers the analytical data.