Billing Software


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What type of billing software do you use and why?

I use ClientExec for my company as they seem to be on the right path for billing solutions. Granted they have been releasing new versions in the last 12 months to support customer requests. I have been reading thier forums and they should have paypal auto generation of accounts in the next release of the software. I have played around with Modernbill but it seems not to be admin or customer freindly in layout. I seen an article in PING!zine the other day that says they are working on making it more user friendly in the layout of the software. What does everyone else think about it?
We use the integrated billing system in Helm and to be honest, I want to switch to something else. We were going to look at Modern Bill but I may try get my hands on a copy of Ping!zine if it's not too late and take a read of that article.

Billing is an important part of running a business I feel and the majority of them like a system thats simple and doesnt cause problems.
This is very true. Modernbill has a article in the latest copy that says they are including a new module. A TCAdmin module for automated gameserver ordering. TCAdmin is a control panel for GSP. Suppose to lower the overhead cost of operating a GSP.
we are a great advocate and reseller of client exec, however we are using modernbill for our dedicated servers as CE still doesnt have package addons.

If we didnt do dedicated, we wouldnt move from CE
I was in the process of making my own, for now I just use some excel and whatnot, don't have nor want a large client base, just about half a dozen paying customers whom I connect with at a personal level, prefer to do business this way, not in it for the money.
Modernbill is the best billing software. With Modernbill your web hosting business will be completely automated. Moderbilling automates functions like Billing, Support, Admin Control Panel, Customer Control Panel & Full Documentation.
ModernBill does quite a lot of things, and does them well; but be advised, they're taking a long time to get their next release out the door. Someone in their marketing department also needs to be gently slapped about with a haddock: they posted March 1 as the "release party", but they haven't even released RC2 yet.

Still...v4 works. If you really like the product, know that you want to switch, and were holding off the upgrades until v5 is released, my advice is "don't wait". It will probably be another four months before that happens. (I'd love to think it will happen sooner, but I'm not holding my breath. Cyanotic just is not a good shade for me.)
Very True, WHMCS is everything that one needs. We used ModernBill for 3 years and then WHMCS since last 2 years and no regrets.
WHMCS is better than ModernBill in my opinion. WHMCS is user/admin friendly, and does the same thing. Their always coming out with better versions that add more features which just makes the script overall the best out there.
ModernBill does quite a lot of things, and does them well; but be advised, they're taking a long time to get their next release out the door. Someone in their marketing department also needs to be gently slapped about with a haddock: they posted March 1 as the "release party", but they haven't even released RC2 yet.

Sorry to say we used MB v4 for four years and never took the chance to update to v5. We moved to WHMCS 4 months ago and never looked back. Outstanding service and support.

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