Bitcoin Payments

This "physical currency" we all use today is just a paper fiat currency created by the Federal Reserve, which by the way is a private corporation. It could be argued that our physical currency is just as much a virtual currency.

Agree but it depends on physical bills, nor bitcoin.
Although I think it is a good concept. I think I will stick with being paid in real money rather than some virtual currency.. ;)

Define "Real" money please. I do a lot of online work, have a brick and mortar job, have a Credit Union account as well as Paypal. Everything I get paid is of the automatic transfer kind, as well as everything I pay for. It's all electronic money, even the brick and mortar job. I honestly can't remember the last time I held paper currency in my hand.

The point being is that the only difference I see between Bitcoin money and money from a regular job is that it's mined for, it's more universal in nature, and most importantly, it's new. Give it time, the technical kinks will be worked out making it "appear" to be more legitimate to people. The more legitimate people get involved ( not the "Silk Road" types) the faster it will snowball.

It's here to stay.
I never really understood BitCoins and haven't taken the time to read on it, how do you convert your BitCoins to real money?

Use a exchange company, the most popular one would be

Personally not a fan of 'somewhat' anonymous payments like BTC & LR as we use to accept LR and it only invited spammers and abusers
We've been accepting Bitcoin for the past few months on a limited trial. Its more of something to play around with & learn how it works. We've also experimented with rigs and hosting rigs for others. However, Its not a viable alternative currency or business model based on what we've been able to figure out.

Most of the people that have offered to pay this way say they want to protect their identity & don't want to give us any info on who they are, what they do, or why they want servers with at least a /24 :)
Bitcoins are an interesting concept and I really do hope they stick around. I would like to see the day when the majority of people using this currency isn't the crowd who only do it to protect their identity.
There is always a risk with Bitcoin and other digital currencies. The value of them can vary a lot in a short time frame and you will take a risk when accepting them.

There are some good sides too. The payments are irreversible which means they can't demand their money back and scam you. The value of Bitcoin might also raise which would give you a few extra bucks.

I would still suggest to be careful with Bitcoins. If you accept them, you should transfer them into USD or any other real currency as quickly as possible to prevent any financial loss with them.
We've had a quick look at this.

At this time, we're definitely not going to offer Bitcoins as a payment method. It's not established enough for us and is certainly unstable. The value keeps changing...

All current clients pay via Paypal (as we only offer it at this time) and we're happy with the way that works.

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