Branding Multiple Similar Sites


New member
I have a couple sites that I have "branded" in similar ways. They're both connected to me directly with a unique I'm known at various forums by this name, comment on blogs with this name, use similar logos/favicons on the sites themselves, and keep them connected, even though they're separate places with their own themes/content.

I'm not sure how much sense that made, but for example, Site A might be Funny Dogs and Site B might be Funny I'd use an animal favicon, go by something like "Animal Lover," etc, and link to the opposite sites on one another.

Are there downsides to keeping the sites connected and somewhat unified in this way? Would it be better to create unique identities and promote separately all the time?
This would depend on the sites. In some cases it is better to separate the sites in other cases it is better to keep them together.
With your example I think it would be fine to have a general identity and promote the opposite site since most people would consider themselves more of a dog or cat lover and having your identity match wouldn't be as relatable when promoting an opposite site. Its not trustworthy for a cat lover to push a dog site, you know?

Otherwise it may or may not work. If the two are connected but slightly different a more specific identity might work better, but having an easy to identify identity across many sites could be better.
I think that using the same and sucesful technology is good way to get other web site sucessful. I think that it is very good idea.
Since all your sites are of similar genre I think it would be better if you keep it remain connected, however you may consider to do a generic benchmarking from each others and as well from top performing animal sites appearing on top search results.
I think that the only way that it would prove particularly detrimental for you is if the one site got a bad rep. At that point you may wish to distance them.

Otherwise being able to pick up visitors potentially from the other site can only be good.
IMO you should keep them linked to each other. Think about it this way... i am a dog and cat lover, so i would most likely go to both sites. If i were on the dog site and didnt like cats, i wouldnt think you were an idiot for linking to a cat site, i would simply ignore the link. If one got a bad rep and you wanted to take the other link off the site, you own it - do it! The world of the web is at our fingertips. Make what you want out of it. Good luck!
Being that your sites are similar, I think it is okay to have them linked through a common name like you are currently doing. If the sites were not like-minded, I would have to say that each should be branded separately.
Though your question is a little unclear to me. However, in my opinion keeping a lot of different websites in my opinion is not a very good idea. Concentrate on a couple of websites only and promote them everywhere. That way your sites will promote faster and give you better results.