- appraisal help


New member
Any thoughts on the value of And how to go about selling it? Thanks so much for your help.
To some Brooklyn recording company it might be worth something. To an average Internet user - registration value.
I think you could get more than reg value from anyone. However, as Astashes said, anyone from that area will pay a lot. it's better to advertise locally.
How do I go about selling it?

Thanks for the advice. Can you give me some pointers on how I actually go about selling it to get the mose money from it?
I would have tried classified ads in a local (Brooklyn that is) newspaper. If you are smart about it, you never know what some people would pay for the name.

I recommend advertising the potential start of a company called "Brooklyn Records", not the actual domain. Just make it sound like you can start a great company with a great name at [THIS] price. Or, if you don't want to post the price, tell people to contact you for pricing.
- domain: brooklynrecords
- tld: com
- length: 15
- brooklynrecords contains no hyphens
- brooklynrecords contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 2:
Total internet occurrence value : 985.86
Total internet market value : 12
Search frequency value : 0
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $3178