Browser for SEO..

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I heard about lot of browsers which are helpful for SEO purpose and i used only few of them like Firefox, IE and GOOGLE CHROME.

To my point of view i found Mozilla Firefox browser best for SEO purpose as compare to other explorer like IE and GOOGLE CHROME because there are more SEO tools and extensions which are helpful for successfully done SEO job.

You can use tools like (Site pagerank checker, Alexa,Keyword Suggestion tool, Competitve research tool, Duplicate content checker tool...)
I am not quite understanding how a browser can benefit the SEO in any way... or what browsers have to do with SEO at all.
Firefox is what I use a lot for SEO stuff. It's not so much the browser itself as it is the plugins and tools that you can use with it. KeywordSpy, YSlow, Google PageSpeed, LORI, Firebug, Alexa and so many others.

I generally bounce between Chrome and Firefox when I'm browsing the web, but when I'm in SEO mode and doing research or troubleshooting, I load up Firefox.
I'm going to have to give Firefox another try ... have installed it 2 or 3 times and always uninstalled it a few days later. Still don't like Chrome even though I use it on and off during the day. I'm getting more and more into SEO so I'm going to dance like Conor and checkout some of its plugins. :D
Chrome I like as it's fast and small, but it doesn't play nice when content on the page updates in particular frames. I can't use it to read CDN reports, CDP Backup reports, or any realtime logging like Nagios etc.

But Firefox, and all it's wonderful plugins - you'll have more information at the tips of your fingers that you actually get TOO much info and don't accomplish a single thing ;)
I agree that firefox is a good browser for SEO. Not the browser itself, but the plugins. Try Rank Checker from They also have a toolbar that is really cool.
I did use Firefox all the time but now Chrome is my favorite along with the SEO Site Tools extension.
Chrome seems to be my new love, it has extensions, some of which is really good in terms of SEO.
some of them just give you a lot of SEO info that do not really matter, do yourself a favour and check out chrome SEO, all you really need.
Thanks for the tip blazenetworks. I didn't realize Chrome had these extensions. I'll try them out. So far I like what I see. I have a couple other extensions that I'm trying as well. There seems to be more extensions than I thought.

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