Bulletproof servers with any content

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I want to hear your opinions about bulletproof hosting servers, where you can put any content without a fear to be banned.

I use some black hacking tools and different types of content, and have no choice but to use bulletproof protected servers.

Who else uses any black methods?
What could be the type of content (or the type of activities) that people host on bulletproof servers that they cannot host on regular companies? Why is getting a bulletproof server an advantage over a regular server, if you are not doing anything illegal?
What could be the type of content (or the type of activities) that people host on bulletproof servers that they cannot host on regular companies? Why is getting a bulletproof server an advantage over a regular server, if you are not doing anything illegal?

I agree, this kind of scares me. I would start by looking outside of the USA.
The point is, he is doing illegal things.
Great advertisement for illegal activities and pedophiles and any other scum who feel the need to bypass the laws we live by.
Indeed blue, his post is simply advertising for something I should hope everyone is against. The unfortunate matter is that many use such services, and fraud seems to be on the rise, with the amount of traffic being routed from such places that allow the deceitful content these people provide their "service" to.

However the "bulletproof" nature of such servers would be questionable considering they advertise for china (eu) and for a location in Europe as such European laws and the subsequent involved countries, individuals or companies involved could seek action however the unfortunate thing is that little to nothing will or would be done.
You're talking about those who do smth illegal, antisocial, and it scares you. I'm talking about servers that protect your content and won't kick your site out.

Let's say you want to advertise your site with black seo, which is easier and more effective than white promo. Many dudes do it, and their income is impressive!

Have you ever used Xrumer or any other black seo tool for mass ads?

You can use hacking tools as well..

The case is not only in illegal stuff.
Have you ever used Xrumer or any other black seo tool for mass ads?

You can use hacking tools as well..

What is Xrumer? Isn't "mass ads" another word for spamming?
I am quite curious to learn what this black SEO methods are and how they are different from the SEO as we know it. If "black SEO methods" (I have never even heard of that one before) are not illegal, then why do people need a bulletproof server?
Bulletproof servers are often used for spammers. Anything that you would do on a NORMAL server and be kicked off for is the reason why people need a bulletproof server. I don't personally believe in them as if you need to do something illegal or annoying (spamming) in order to make a dollar, then you really need to be in a different business.

People spam daily. People can excel in blackhat seo, but blackhat only gets you so far until you get banned and you get to start all over again.

Bulletproof servers are also a haven for child porn and similar as mentioned previously, and it is also the main places that trojan virus makers store their utilities to infect other machines.

I don't see ANY REASON why someone would ever need a Bulletproof server. There are LEGAL companies that send out promotions to legal lists etc - so why the need for a bulletproof server?
Even true bullet proof hosting probably won't allow you to put such content. Your best chances is with off-shore but no guarantees.
Most bulletproof systems are offshore to begin with. Having a US based, or even European based server means that the governments can easily come down on the hosting provider and shut down the server (and lets not forget about picking up the name of the person who rented it) :)
Most bulletproof systems are offshore ..
That's true, they are offshore.

These servers protect your information and permit a lot. In these ways they are better than common hosting servers and proved to be uptime stable.

Using Xrumer has a great impact on traffic. It would be wrong to say that it appears to be illegal. It's just a great help that makes your promo compaign automated!
That's true, they are offshore.

These servers protect your information and permit a lot. In these ways they are better than common hosting servers and proved to be uptime stable.

Using Xrumer has a great impact on traffic. It would be wrong to say that it appears to be illegal. It's just a great help that makes your promo compaign automated!

While it's not illegal it's definitely unethical.
By sticking to the legit types of businesses over the net, you will find a lot of feature rich and high quality hosting service providers on the web.
Ethical or unethical - whatever!
The idea of content and activity protection is prior to me. If you run legit business - you are welcome! The same high quality, same uptime, support team, just less restricted area.
It gives you great opportunities for business!
The idea of content and activity protection is prior to me. If you run legit business - you are welcome! The same high quality, same uptime, support team, just less restricted area.
It gives you great opportunities for business!

I do not doubt your ability in managing your company right, with right experience and quality. But what I am trying to understand for myself is why "It gives you great opportunities for business!" Why/what for would a legitimate business choose to host on a bulletproof server in places like China or offshore zones, taking the risk of having their "neighbor" client breaking the law and then consequently attracting attention to their operation as a result as well. What could a legitimate business do on a bulletproof server that they cannot do on a regular machine? What are these business opportunities that you refer to?
The idea of content and activity protection is prior to me.
I'd have to agree. Unethical (though legal) businesses have been around for years. The opportunities, I suspect, are the unethical, yet legal, ones other providers won't touch.
BulletProof dedicated servers

I also agree, even if you run an absolutely legal business, your compatitors may write an abuse for your website and it'll be disconnected by the Datacenter without any hearing. Or as it happened with my customer, a datacenter disconnected his servers without even notification because of ''suspicion on abuse'', although his business didn't even start yet and also was absolutely legal. This happens very often, most of datacenters don't want to check out the case and prefer just to disconnect the servers suspected and a lot of companies suffer because of that.
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