Business Ethics

I know what he said, I've read, but I don't take things out of context like you do. He might have used the wrong word, but he explained it in the post above and it could not be simpler.

I, for one, is still waiting for you to explain how you can deliver unlimited bandwidth from a technical perspective. You keep ignoring the questions you've been asked. I understand though, those are not simple questions.

And here is another one you decided to skip:

If you are sitting on a source with unlimited bandwidth, why lose such a gift and limit other plan's monthly traffic allowances? Why not use this competitive advantage and offer unlimited bandwidth on all the plans of shared, VPS and dedicates product lines?
I know what he said, I've read, but I don't take things out of context like you do. He might have used the wrong word, but he explained it in the post above and it could not be simpler.

I, for one, is still waiting for you to explain how you can deliver unlimited bandwidth from a technical perspective. You keep ignoring the questions you've been asked. I understand though, those are not simple questions.

And here is another one you decided to skip:

If you are sitting on a source with unlimited bandwidth, why lose such a gift and limit other plan's monthly traffic allowances? Why not use this competitive advantage and offer unlimited bandwidth on all the plans of shared, VPS and dedicates product lines?

I am not sitting on a source of unlimited bandwith. I am changing the plans to reflect a limit because I agree that ethically it is a promise that is not able to be kept.

Now back to my question....I explained in great detail how a plan like BLUE's and others that offer a FREE month. With all respect to Blue, he could not have used a better word. Amortize is the word I have been thinking of. Thanks Blue. If he would admit it, we are probably thinking along the same lines now. Perhaps it was in another thread, but I explained the entire hosting package being priced in a strategic manner to offset the claim of free hosting. It could also be that they are buying hosting a cheaper price than their competitors. Either way A Month of service is not free if you must first purchase 11 additional months.
Actually you are the one who doesn't seem to have a clue what amortize means.
You can pick and choose your definitions all you like but it seems that it is you that is backing off of your lies. You are the one who seems to feel the need to make continual changes to your website.

For the record:
Amortization (or amortisation) is the process of decreasing, or accounting for, an amount over a period.
I don't need some professor from ASU to tell me that.

An "amount".
Not a dollar amount, an amount.
Therefore the "amount" is the number of days in one month of hosting being amortized over an 11 month period.
I am not sitting on a source of unlimited bandwith. I am changing the plans to reflect a limit because I agree that ethically it is a promise that is not able to be kept.

Hallelujah!! We are finally getting somewhere!

Very happy to hear the acknowledgement of the non-existence of unlimited resources and I am looking forward to seeing an actual bandwidth limit placed on your unlimited bandwidth plan. Let us know when you change it as you might motivate others who offer unlimited plans to follow in the right direction as well.
I have a question about "unlimited bandwidth" and to those who stand against it? Why do those who argue that it does not work (something we all know, but consumers refuse to accept) do not say that Yahoo, Hostgator, Bluhost, Dreamhost and all other famous oversellers that offer "unlimited disc space" + "unlimited everything" should not be trusted, or supported?

One more thing. Can we say that Hostway, a company that offers "unlimited bandwidth" is not a reliable web host?

To claim that something is wrong and then to tolerate exceptions... this is hypocrisy!
I have a question about "unlimited bandwidth" and to those who stand against it? Why do those who argue that it does not work (something we all know, but consumers refuse to accept) do not say that Yahoo, Hostgator, Bluhost, Dreamhost and all other famous oversellers that offer "unlimited disc space" + "unlimited everything" should not be trusted, or supported?

One more thing. Can we say that Hostway, a company that offers "unlimited bandwidth" is not a reliable web host?

To claim that something is wrong and then to tolerate exceptions... this is hypocrisy!

I don't know who you are referring to because I don't see anyone on this forum defending any of those companies for their lies.
I certainly don't.
A lie is a lie.
It doesn't matter to me how big the company is.

Hostgator is lying.
Bluhost is lyine.
Dreamhost is lying.

Every host who claims to offer unlimited resources is lying.
Actually you are the one who doesn't seem to have a clue what amortize means.
You can pick and choose your definitions all you like but it seems that it is you that is backing off of your lies. You are the one who seems to feel the need to make continual changes to your website.

For the record:
Amortization (or amortisation) is the process of decreasing, or accounting for, an amount over a period.
I don't need some professor from ASU to tell me that.

An "amount".
Not a dollar amount, an amount.
Therefore the "amount" is the number of days in one month of hosting being amortized over an 11 month period.

Blue I have made my point very clear over and over. There are others here that would agree with me. The unlimited claims are no different then you FREE MONTH CLAIM. You dont want to understand and with all respect, I will not respond to anymore of your posts concerning this topic. I appreciate your response but as far as this discussion is concerned you are a waste of "UNLIMITED DATA SPACE". So go sell your FREE MONTHS OF HOSTING however it is even possible.
I have a question about "unlimited bandwidth" and to those who stand against it? Why do those who argue that it does not work (something we all know, but consumers refuse to accept) do not say that Yahoo, Hostgator, Bluhost, Dreamhost and all other famous oversellers that offer "unlimited disc space" + "unlimited everything" should not be trusted, or supported?

One more thing. Can we say that Hostway, a company that offers "unlimited bandwidth" is not a reliable web host?

To claim that something is wrong and then to tolerate exceptions... this is hypocrisy!

Unlimited hosting, as practice shows, is manageable. Nobody disagrees that "unlimited", as business tactic, works and can be profitable. What I am saying is that unlimited as per the definition of the word itself is a deceptive marketing tool. Offering clients unlimited resources, then banning them for using too much is a mean practice that takes place daily in this industry. It is nothing more than a lie to promise something you know you cannot deliver. Does it work? Yes, because not all clients will use that much resources. Does it excuse a hosting provider to lie to unsuspecting customers? No.
Unlimited hosting, as practice shows, is manageable. Nobody disagrees that "unlimited", as business tactic, works and can be profitable. What I am saying is that unlimited as per the definition of the word itself is a deceptive marketing tool. Offering clients unlimited resources, then banning them for using too much is a mean practice that takes place daily in this industry. It is nothing more than a lie to promise something you know you cannot deliver. Does it work? Yes, because not all clients will use that much resources. Does it excuse a hosting provider to lie to unsuspecting customers? No.

I agree! You should not offer unlimited hosting and then take it away from them when they use to much. This is truelly a LIE!
Good question - in terms of definition (black and white), I agree YES. In terms of perception, and for thousands of clients with unlimited hosting now, maybe not so cut and dry. I've seen the term FREE used in advertising since I was a kid, but always knew or suspected there was a catch. Is using FREE unethical, even if it isn't really free - sometimes that's not so cut and dry. It depends on whether the client is willing to follow their guidelines or programs they spell out in their terms. The same applies to hosting - with some providers that offer unlimited.

By some members belief's, all providers that use the term Unlimited are labeled as suspicious or unethical, including the likes of HostGator. My recommendation to anyone looking to host with any provider - is not to pay so much attention to the black and white, but to match your requirements to what a specific host offers - and ask a lot of questions (to them directly pre-sales). Be an informed buyer.

The term FREE is a sales gimmick/marketing ploy whatever you want to call it. which i think we have all used or fell for it.
I am from UK and use this all the time when i do my other job on street markets and example i was selling and item for 60p, but these were slow at selling, so what i did was increase these to £1 GBP and place then buy 1 get 1 free and they sold very quicky which i suspect was due to the word FREE as buyer think they are getting an item free, but they are not , but this is a practice that even wal-mart etc. use

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