Can an online site builder make web design simpler?


New member
I am looking for feedback from you on our advanced online site builder.

We try to make web design with real-time collaboration and simpler.
It is compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox (can run on Mac, Windows and Linux for this reason).

It allows real-time collaboration in web application development, has advanced features as for instance real time database creation / management (forms creation, shopping cart, etc,...) and possibility to add easily any existing php scripts. We want beginners as well as webdesigners and developpers to give us their opinion to this substitute to offline web authoring tools. For now we provide it to web hosting companies which offer it to their hosting customers.

There is a demo on

Thanks for any feedback, positive and negative on Drag drop site creator, any advice and comment will be a great help for us to go further in the software development. :)
I like the way it works. I have been thinking about offering a site builder with my hosting packages. Something like this would be nice for new business people who are not programmers.
Thank you very much Dubs andf Lucnet.

That's indeed our goal with Drag drop site creator: to offer a creative tool for everybody to be free and build the web the way they want and in the same time make it accessible for anybody, small businesses or else to create a full featured custom website easily. That's good for webhosts as well since they not only provide space on their servers, but also the tool to create and maintain the website which they will hosted. Web hosts who use the software told us it helps them keep their clients.

We are soon releasing a software even more powerful for webdesigners - Webfusion - with which they can work in cooperation with none tech savvy people on building database driven websites... without needing to learn MySQL or PHP to do so. We use it already along our consulting services to build complex intranets and website that our customers modify on their own from their web browser. :)

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