Canadian Election Day


New member
Here are my predictions for today's election.

The Conservatives cannot gain any more seats. They will most likely lose 3-6 seats.

The big loser is the Bloq. (aka the separatist party) Other than the Cons not being capable of a majority that is the best news of this whole election.

Conservatives- (aka Reform Party) 142 Seats

NDP- Huge growth. Mostly based on big voter turn out in Quebec.The young are getting VERY tired of this separatist act. It's no longer a selling point. 68 Seats

Liberals- Massive Failure because they could not decide on a real leader Third Place with 64 Seats
Ignatieff may pick up a seat or two because he was the only one with the guts to take questions on Sunday while Harper and Layton hid from the press.

The Bloq- Floundering and sad. Serious people in Quebec no longer buy this sovereignty garbage. 34 Seats

The Green party has a slim chance at a single seat in British Columbia.
Interesting predictions, but I have a feeling NDP might be the ruling party one day. They've enjoyed a really strong movement this year.

There was a really excellent tool that helped people learn more about the parties, their beliefs and how these beliefs compare to those of parties: