Car "crash" story(s).


New member
Warning, some reading follows, and is intended for those who have nothing better to do, if you have something better to do...go do it

Here's my story:

I'm driving home on a dirt road at night in my 2000 intrepid (70,000 miles, good condition) with a friend in the car (we're both 16). It's all good, going about 35-40mph, listening to the radio, until out of nowhere something appears in the road (remember this is a dirt road and its dark out). My first instinct is to swerve (which is what you're not supposed do) and then I lose control, and go into the ditch.

After a few ...."select words" and sitting there for a sec taking in what had just happened, we get out to survey the damage. The whole front fender is all messed up [scratched, dented, and ...hanging off of the car] and there's a liquid leaking out on the ground. At this point...I realize I'm screwed (I'm dad is going to kill me). I get in the car and somehow manage to get it out of the ditch, and drive home...and think for a while.

I've learned a few things (silver lining) and also learned something, and that is: Modern day cars are super ****ty when it comes to quality...and fenders are a rippoff.

Well there's my story...I felt that I had to share it with, feel free to add your own incidents if you've had any.
your own incidents
None so far, and I hope to never have any.

Sorry to hear about yours and the damage you've done to your car. I hope it won't cost much to fix.
Once, I was driving on an American interstate in the fast lane, abiding by the proper distance procedures for following others at the speed that I was going.

Suddenly, the traffic ahead stopped, and although I would have had enough time to come to a stop, the car in the next lane did not because they were tailgating, so they decided to swerve in front of me and slam on their brakes.

Time slowed down to the point that I could literally count the gravel and sediment trailing off of their tires and I nudged my vehicle over into the very small shoulder which put me wedged between their car and the conrete median.

I grazed by with less than inch between my driver side mirror and concrete, and less than an inch between my passenger side mirror and the other car's driver side mirror.

We escaped without harm, the only damage being two front seats, which had been promptly soiled upon by my passenger and I.
Sorry to hear about the damage mate. i havent actually had a crash in me car before, but i have had vandalls steal and write-off a brand new car of mine in the past, and the insurance refused to payout on the car because i had my business advertised on it!!! lost £9,500