Cash payments?


New member
From a consumer point of view, I find it much easier to pay my server bills via PayPal/CC as the merchant will get the money right away and any outstanding bill will be taken care of instantly (hopefully at least). However, not every consumer is like me and some prefer to pay via cash, how do you deal with those customers efficiently as I imagine that several problems could arise from that form of payment (lost/stolen money, late payments due to mailing delays etc.)?
We only accept PayPal/CC. If a need arises where a customer is admit about paying in another forum, they must pay via check, cashier's check, or money order. The account will not be setup until payment is received. In most instances, we require payment for a year in advanced for the exception.
Hmmm...have never had anyone want to pay in cash, but I certainly wouldn't turn them down. Just don't sent it through the mail.
We do not accept cash as it is not wise to mail such payments. We do accept check, cashier's check and money order. If they really want to pay cash, they should be able to do these methods of payment.
Well, my implication was that I'd welcome them (and their cash) at our office with open arms and a big smile. :D
Well, my implication was that I'd welcome them (and their cash) at our office with open arms and a big smile. :D

Steve, while I would welcome them, I don't know if your boss or accounting department would. From having an accounting background, it is the devil of control. There is no paper trail from cash payments and can easily be pocketed. That is why retail has such a huge issue with employee fraud.

I think online businesses and any non retail business should set no cash policies from an account perspective and an audit perspective to make sure no fraud happens or no customers coma eback saying they did something they didn't do.
I don't know if I would want to deal with receiving cash payments. First, it's not necessarily safe to mail cash, and second, it's much harder to keep track of cash payments - and there's certainly no third party doing it for me.
Steve, while I would welcome them, I don't know if your boss or accounting department would. From having an accounting background, it is the devil of control. There is no paper trail from cash payments and can easily be pocketed. That is why retail has such a huge issue with employee fraud.

I think online businesses and any non retail business should set no cash policies from an account perspective and an audit perspective to make sure no fraud happens or no customers coma eback saying they did something they didn't do.

I think I would accept cash, only if I operated an offline local business. Many customers still like to pay in cash. It is still a very appealing method for them. You will have to set procedures to track how the cash flows though.
The volume of such business are low so there is no risk dealing cash locally also if the client visit your office and want to buy something on cash, you can't say No.
The volume of such business are low so there is no risk dealing cash locally also if the client visit your office and want to buy something on cash, you can't say No.

It isn't about saying no. Your never suppose to say no. Your suppose to say, we accpet checks, money orders, or credit cards, how would you like to pay.

From being in local business and retail chains on the management side for a few years, I'll tell you cash is maybe 1 in every 10 transactions now. Everyone pulls out their credit card and swipes away.

Sure you have a retail business or restaurant fine. Online store or web hosting PayPal, Credit Card, or ACH Only. Instant funds available.
Speaking of retail businesses or restaurants, you always have a few that want to pay in coins. UGH. My sister used to collect traffic fines for the city and some of these jokers thought it would be cute to pay their fines in pennies, except they made them wait while they counted every cent, and if they interrupted them, they started over from scratch.

Like Zachary said, online stores absolutely PayPal or Credit Card.
Speaking of retail businesses or restaurants, you always have a few that want to pay in coins. UGH. My sister used to collect traffic fines for the city and some of these jokers thought it would be cute to pay their fines in pennies, except they made them wait while they counted every cent, and if they interrupted them, they started over from scratch.

Like Zachary said, online stores absolutely PayPal or Credit Card.

I had a friend who received a violation on the way home for having to loud of a car because the muffler broke. He pulled into a gas station to try to fix it the best he could and then the cop heard it and pulled right in behind and wrote him a $100.00 fine. He wasn't making a lot back then so $100.00 was a big deal especially after having to spend a couple hundred to fix the muffler.

He didn't have the money to do both so he called down to the court house and asked for extension. they granted him the extension but the added an additional $25.00 or something of that nature. So, being a smart ass, he went to the bank and got all crisp $1.00 bills that were all stuck together. :)

While his behavior was a little immature, I would be ticked too, if the same people I paid 40 - 50% of my wages to kept crapping on me. :)
Very funny - and my sister would have made him stand there while she counted every single dollar. :D I know some of these fines can approach ridiculous levels.
I liked the point that Zachary brought up as I actually had overlooked this mainly since I work alone so I don't fear theft as much assuming the money does arrive (I don't offer large-scale hosting, just host a few sites for some private clients). However, the accounting portion is still relevant so I'll be sure to take this into consideration.
I just wouldn't make paying in cash an option. I don't see it as a problem these days to expect some form of electronic payment. Cash is just too risky and inconvenient. How many times have you had something get lost in the mail??
Agree, cash transaction is risky and time consuming. What if the customer said he sent you the cash, but you don't get it? Who fault is it if the money get lost in the mail?

Cash transaction is just too risky and waste of time.
If some one would of paid threw cash ill tell them to go to local CVS or something and get a money order then mail it to our office.
I think it is a really BAD idea to accept cash in such a business. Cheque would be much safer.

Cash is pretty much un-traceable and it would be your word against theirs weather or not they paid.

At least with credit card or cheque there is some hard proof that payment has been made.

Also it is not really safe to mail cash?
I think it is a really BAD idea to accept cash in such a business. Cheque would be much safer.

Cash is pretty much un-traceable and it would be your word against theirs weather or not they paid.

At least with credit card or cheque there is some hard proof that payment has been made.

Also it is not really safe to mail cash?

What if its a Money Order is there a difference?

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