CGI Error, help please!

Matt Midgley

New member

I get an error when trying to load any php site:

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

This is when running IIS 6 and PHP5. It didn't always happen. I upgraded to PHP 5 after a couple of users having problems with common scripts such as phpbb but now it happens all the time on all scripts.

Does anyone know how to solve this?

Matt Midgley
A few things to check are permissions on the PHP installation folder and also make sure the mapping is correct. For permissions checking you could run this program and run a PHP page and then stop the file monitor. Once you stop the monitor, scroll down and look for any problems that might exist.

From my understanding, PHP 5 isnt always compatible with things written for PHP 4 so you need to be careful there and see if there is phpBB available for PHP 5.

Let us know how these tests go.

Thanks for all the help. I ended up doing a manual install of php 4. This has solved the problem again for all my main sites. If the user still has problems, they'll have to either configure their script properly or get a new one! I looked at the hotfix thanks, I decided not to email microsoft as I wasn't willing to pay £69.00 + VAT for the privilage. I have also looked at the bugs report extensively. There were many solutions but just as many inconclusive results.

I'll let you know if I still have problems with this user after manually installing php4.

Matt Midgley

P.S. I tried the file monitor before going back to php4 but no matter what I did, I received: Access Denied
I dont recommend calling MS unless you have no choice. Google and searching is a great way to find answers to problems.

However, if you do ever need to call MS you will get top notch support. We have done it once with a weird MS SQL problem.

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