Cheap dedicated server


New member
I am offering sparc 2 dedicated servers with unlimited bandwidth for only $349 per month. Its also fully managed. Very economical for adult or high traffic sites without sacrificing quality or speed.
Please contact me if you have questions. I'll be more than happy to assist you. For more details visit:

Many other options available. All of our dedicated and virtual plans come with unlimited bandwidth and are fully managed.
Unlimited bandwidth

Yes. The limit is set by the server's capacity and load. The configuration of the sparc 2 sets the limit. What's the use of giving a client a very powerful server with a ton of ram and let him run to his "death" by being unable to let him control his bandwidth usage? Offering a 10mb line for $500 like I've seen on some hosting cies isn't absurd? It looks like the indusry is going towards a "who can lie the most to get the client" system. I disapprove it completely because it discredits the industry.