cheapest unlimited shared hosting in the world.

There is no such thing as unlimited in the hosting industry. It's just a selling term used to woo the users to get them signed for hosting plans. Just so you know, a server needs hard disks and there is no way hosting companies can offer unlimited disk space when there is always shortage of disk space. Nothing in this world comes for free.
There is no such thing as unlimited in the hosting industry. It's just a selling term used to woo the users to get them signed for hosting plans. Just so you know, a server needs hard disks and there is no way hosting companies can offer unlimited disk space when there is always shortage of disk space. Nothing in this world comes for free.

I agree as if you have a server with 100GB hard disk then 100GB is the limit, so to say give a user an unlimited plan for $1 then in effect they could use the whole 100GB for $1
Less than 10.00 bucks a year for unlimited, those host's may not be around for long. It is also up to how you "value" your website. Compare to taking a trip to McDonald's - how much do you spend on lunch? Are you willing to give up 1 Lunch per Month for a decent web hosting provider that will be there for the long haul?
Personally I don't trust web hosts that offer unlimited disk space and bandwidth in web hosting packages. There is no thing unlimited which is related to disk space and bandwidth.

I'd better deal with the hosts that offer certain amount of disk space and bandwidth, so that I know the resources I will use for hosting my sites.
I see that there are many free hosting services out there that you can use such as Byethost, **********, hostinger, awardspace, 5gbfree, etc...

However if you are serious about your business, I also would suggest that you donot use free hosting. Because in the future, your business may get increase and become bigger then you will face to many problems with free hosting such as limited bandwidth, CPU, memory,...And in case your traffic is huge, CPU is overloaded…, your account will be suspended from provider without any notification. So go with paid hosting at the first time you run your business.

Good luck to you!
I see that there are many free hosting services out there that you can use such as Byethost, **********, hostinger, awardspace, 5gbfree, etc...

However if you are serious about your business, I also would suggest that you donot use free hosting. Because in the future, your business may get increase and become bigger then you will face to many problems with free hosting such as limited bandwidth, CPU, memory,...And in case your traffic is huge, CPU is overloaded…, your account will be suspended from provider without any notification. So go with paid hosting at the first time you run your business.

Good luck to you!

Another major point with free hosting, is they will be running on bare minimum servers, so they wont have any DDOS protection, any server protection such as CSF etc. also they will not care who they sign up to use their services and they can also just decide to pack up and close the server down and nothing you can do about it as you have not paid for anything.
If you are looking for cheap hosting, it's probably because you don't have any operating capital.
If someone is offering cheap hosting, they are not making any profit either and will be in the same boat, i.e. will have next to no operating capital.

Check the longevity of your host, if you are going down the bargain host route.

How long they have been in business will be a good indication of whether they will stay in business.
To be fair we are never going to need a unlimited amount of disk space or bandwidth we are all going to use only so much.

We would be more inclined to use more bandwidth.
Even without the whole "unlimited storage" you would still has to consider the CPU/RAM/etc allowances.

Generally the less resources and features they give you per dollar. Naturally you should expect more out of the CPU/RAM/etc for each shared package. Or at least some other features like HA, free suite of software, and/or etc.