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Site design, is well, wow, I think it's totally brilliant, great design.

Two things I don't like: firstly the counter at the bottom of the page. Your company needs to be a serious one, not some kiddy gaming site - which is the feeling I get. I expect seeing that when I go to a fansite of video games, not of a company website.
Next: on your testimonials page, revamp grammar and so on. Spelling and so on are very bad.

Testimonial came from our clinet, we didn't feel like want to modify. Do you think, we can change the testimonial contesnt?

Thanks for your comments.
Very nice design and feel overall. Like Anjay said, clean up that customer testimonial. Tons of companies do it and where it stands right now it looks rather unprofessional.

Another thing is you may want to get a few "partners" as the footer looks deserted. On the menu, the text standing up kind of bothers me. I think it would be kewl if you made it so onmouseover it switched to a blue shade or something.

But again, very nice design. Good luck with it.

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