choosing a reseller account

End user Technical support is the main thing to look for when you are looking for a Reseller host. This reduces your work in mananging their sites and providing Technical support to them.
money back ( just incase ), uptime? price? support? possibly server specs? how long has the company been around? also, where is the server based? there are many things to consider when getting any kind of hosting account, dont just base it on one thing alone.
The best place to search for affordable web site hosting plans is the internet itself. Thousands of it will appear when search upon at online search engines.
End user Technical support is the main thing to look for when you are looking for a Reseller host
Why would any business want a 3rd-party (especially a *supplier*) tlking directly to their customers - end-user-support os generally only a requirement (and offer) from one-man-band bedroom hosts

Supplier Technical Support is critical - so far more important that you select
* someone who has full control over their systems
* they're not just reselling someone else service (so forget all that "master" reseller junk
* track history of service - most "Hosts" last less than a year
* uptime & outage history
* actually provide you with what you're paying for - no overselling

IMHO the 2 most critical items for resellers is that the supplier runs their own kit on their own network - so they *can* fix things when they break (and the will)
Realistic plans and excellent uptime is most important.

You should be able to at least do the level 1-2 support yourself or you'll have unhappy clients in no time. ;)
Price not as much so but yeah i don't want to be paying too much but i'm also a believer in you get what you pay for.

24x7 support, better uptime, affordable price etc. are some of the key factors that should be considered first before choosing reseller account
I agree that choosing a reseller hosting provider that has been in the business for a good amount of time can be of benefit when choosing a reseller host. And, then of course you are going to need support and it should be 24/7 for the technical side.
This is the first thing you look at in a host, if it provides the space, bandwidth and add-on domains you need in case your site becomes successful.
Another obvious thing to look for is what you're getting that you can sell on to your customers, you would at the end of the day be a reseller so this is very important. What features come with the reseller plan, backups, spam protection etc... these are all great selling points and will help you succeed on your reseller venture.
There are many well established web host providers. But to ake the appropriate choice, you have to decide what exactly it is your looking for. Do I need customer service, security, etc. Or do I just need a web host thats reliable and wil give me the uptime I need. Do I need a reseller account, or would moving on to my own dedicated server be a better choice. What your looking for, what kind of hosting, and then from there, you would look to see what features, etc, the web host package comes with. But from the begining, the above mentioned is the most important step in your decision process.
Exceptional Quality Customer Support (Ticket Resonse Times, Interaction Quality) and Competitive Pricing will do wonders for you in Reselling Business
If you already trust the company you work with you should be looking for prices. Customer support would be nice if you can't deal with problems yourself, also a good uptime is important, you don't want your customers to call you in the middle of the night because their site is down.
What are the main things a reseller has to pay attention to while choosing a reseller account?

Before buying a reseller package , please pay attention to the following key factors:

1) Search domain whois to see how old the domain is.

2) Contact the company using a pre-sales question to check response time of the support and sales team

3)Make sure reseller plans are reasonable in terms of price and quota in comparison to other hosting companies.

4) There is no point going with a reseller that is providing you with something that is too good to be true”

The main advantage of a reseller package is that reseller plans are managed by the web host who provides the service to you and you do not have to worry about performing any server upgrades, server administration or security.