
Any of your guys using CloudFlare and do you see any performance improvement from using it?

Performance can be a bit subjective based on the web site services / content / etc... I may assume if you were measuring in more detail response regarding perhaps a SQL Query or something it also may depend on the plan your using and the features you select in CF

Also with CF you have the anycast global DNS so to compare to perhaps a local zone hosting off of cPanel then you would see performance gain from a global access perspective perhaps.

But we use it for more protecting our site and the fact that we can manage our zone records from their control panel as well as choose to use CF features which some are quite nice.

Still free for a basic plan

We also use Incapsula which has a free plan as well / same principle and concept but they do not manage your zone records so you just point the "a" record and cName VS pointing the domain at new name servers.

We have been a long time early adopter of Cloud Flare / we like what they do / their founders and they are based in the USA - vs Incapusla is based out of the USA (not that really matters too much)


You will not have big different on performance if you taking their free plan. However, this can save you a lot of bandwidth for your side as most of the images and contents are cached on their server and they will using their bandwidth to serve for your visitor.
There's an easy way to tell whether or not you'll see a benefit from CF performance. Turn it on / off for your site temporarily, then watch the load times.

CF does indeed help your site load time and performance in a number of ways

#1: Caching (if enabled) will speed up your response time
#2: DNS hosted at CF means less work on your server. Fewer requests = better performance
#3: CDN means your site loads static objects from a location closer to the end user than your server
#4: Threat protection. Again, anything taken away from the server is good.

If you're not seeing a performance increase with CF, even on a free account, then you've probably not got it configured properly. There is absolutely a definite performance increase :)
Cloudflare really helps to block the small attacks and paid version helps to block even higher level of attacks. Blocking attacks itself will improve as if not blocked these attacks can cause resource shortage in the server causing the domain / entire domains in the server face the effects of the attack.
We're huge fans of CloudFlare and strongly recommend it to our clients too.

We've used the Free plan and used plans with RailGun optimized (Business Plan), and with that plan there's a definite increase in speed!

It's great for blocking a lot of smaller attacks as others have stated, but even on a larger dDOS that a client experienced, the team at CloudFlare were very helpful in isolating the traffic coming to the website.

Even if you're doing the free plan - it's worth enabling it!
I was on the CloudFlare free plan with several websites and we haven't seen an increase in performance. If anything, I think our websites were running slower when hosted on CloudFlare, than if they were directly nameservered to our servers.

Perhaps, there is some sort of magical configuration or way that it has to be configured to notice the increase in speed. We tried making numerous adjustments with the settings once it was enabled and active, however it never improved the server, so we setup the nameservers to link directly to our server.
I have some problem whit a website that on my personal p.c work very good but when i was at work and have diferent ip load very hard and even i have more good internet speed.
When i put CloudFlare magical the website load very fast on my personal p.c and olso at work p.c so i defently think cloudflare improve performace and olso make your website more secure.
Yes. CloudFlare cached the things. The advantage of having it cached, and cached around the world, is that your website loading performance is greatly increased. On average, websites on CloudFlare load twice as fast and because that traffic isn't coming from your origin server, CloudFlare can save 50-60% of bandwidth.

Also to speed up the web contents it uses CDN and also optimize the same.
Just take into consideration that if you will be using SSL the free plan does not include it and will need to pay for it, unless you are using your site without the www subdomain, such as

Yes it does
Cloudflare does, indeed include SSL on both free, and paid plans, using www and non-www. Doubt me? See the site in my sig. Then look at the actual certificate.

Now, if you're on a 'free' plan, you won't be able to upload the certificate to cloudflare itself and show that the certificate is really yours, but it doesn't pop any sort of errors when the browser comes to it.
Yes it does
Cloudflare does, indeed include SSL on both free, and paid plans, using www and non-www. Doubt me? See the site in my sig. Then look at the actual certificate.

Now, if you're on a 'free' plan, you won't be able to upload the certificate to cloudflare itself and show that the certificate is really yours, but it doesn't pop any sort of errors when the browser comes to it.

Are you using CNAME forwarding only?

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