Company Owner's Participation in Development?


New member
What would (experienced) developers suggest I know / learn about when it comes to managing internet publishing company? My enterpreneurial mind tends to be motivated to push for grand ideas with hope that I can obtain support, but my meticulous nature tends to get bogged down in the details and layers that go into back-end development, and this seems to take away from managing my day to day business affairs. So, I feel I could use help in understanding my role and what a developer ought to expect if they were to work with me or for me?

What do you think makes for a good leader / owner of a Development team?

What do you think makes for a good leader / owner of a Development team?

Communication is crucial! Although after working with someone for a long time you get a grasp of "what they mean", until then you need to be VERY specific with your requests. Ask for their understanding of what you said.. A "yes, I understand" can easily lead to "oh, I thought you meant _______".

Welcome feedback and ideas. Although some are just "skills for hire", many developers work far better when they have some sort of passion and personal interest in what they're doing. So get them involved, and make sure they know that their opinions (not just on technical issues) actually matter. A passionate developer will work much harder, get much more done, and in many cases do far more work that required just to accomplish and take pride in it.

Patience and understanding(even if you don't actually understand). this takes a certain level of trust that many have a hard time giving, and for good reason. Delays happen, and methods of accomplishing what may seem to be a very simple task can turn into exactly the opposite. Many people feel the need to check status often, and maybe even nag. From my experience this is usually because they have been "screwed" by a developer in the past(it happens all the time), but if you hire a developer you need to trust them. I have had projects near completion in the past and dropped the client simply because they treated me like a child, and acted as if I hadn't cleaned my room in a week :)

Don't get me wrong, it's important to know where things are, progress, etc.. But a good developer will let you know what's going on as much as possible. you're likely to go through a few thought to be "good" developers before you find the right one. When you do don't let them go! Also the level of how good/bad/amazing a developer is depends on much more than their actual programming skills.

Best of luck!
I think that you need to be professional fiorst of all and. And always: good company needs good design. I would say that is must
you only need two things togather.

first plan with a specific goals
second understanding and communicating it .

you don't need long explanation right?