Competition 1

Yea its a Blue/Grey. Actully its pretty close to the color scheme that we have right now. But it is a much more profesional layout. And more 56K friendly.
Yes, very simple and user friendly. But i am not to fond oof the header.

Oh well

back on topic...

John never posted who was win. ect. :(
Hehe ifthe advert was removed I couldnt pay to support the size of the database you and Nick are creating with all your posts recently.

if theres anything at all you dont like, or think can be improved, i would really appreciate it if you make a new topic in the suggestion forum and let me know what you think about improve it, that would be a great help so I know how to improve the site to the way the members would like it :)

Maybe the advert could have a border round it, a shiney metal border or something so it fits in bette and the edges dont clash?

you and Nick are creating with all your posts recently.

It's only been a day. Anyway, the funs over now ;)
Yea, we went on for a day, but its comming to an end John. I cant keep up with GC so i'm letting him take it. I will still make a few posts here and there but not like the last day.
Hehe come on guys, everyone is in the competition, theres still roughly 12 days left until the winner is announced!

Anyone could win it at this stage.
Even someone that has 0 points could win it very easily with a few referrals, getting a few of the 5 winning banners and posting also so its not going to be hard to win this for anyone.

ALso, please make sure that your posts are what you would post normally, and not just something quick to count as a post ;)
Remember 3 mods going through the posts for the competition will be checking the users at the top of the scale and making sure there isnt spam ;)

I havent seen many problems so far with regards to spam though as everything is still making sense and a full post etc.

I would rather everyone was just posting like they normally would instead of doing a load to try win the competition ;)

I have seen a good few new topics and I think thats more inportant than replies, induces more thinking in the poster hehe

If you refer someone remember you make 5 points for each one if they make just 10 posts so you could really get your count up like that if your lagging behind but just keep going like you normally would if there was no competition :D

As long as everyone is contributing to the community I think we are all happy!

I would rather everyone was just posting like they normally would instead of doing a load to try win the competition

Actually posts are going as they would go normally, just sped up because of the activity the whole new domain and competition has brought to the site.
Haha guess how many you have made Nick ;)
I wouldnt be so sure about who is going to win at this stage because like I said, theres a good while left so anyone could take it!

I think it will be better to psot the winner at the end instead of counting up each night, partly because I didnt expect so much activity that would take quite a while to count up each night and it would be better to do the count once the competition has finished and I can recount a lot easier also.
It would also be better for competition between members if you dont know who is winning ;)

BUT I can say that so far its VERY close for the top spot ;)

ALSO: Number 2 and 3 in the competition will also get 2000 free impressions each on the header (Worth $30 :))
Dang it John. I knew you were going to try to pull me back into this.. There we go again with free advertising. Pulling nick back onto the forums.

yea yea yea, you just dont want to be like "Yea i know im so good, im getting free stuff"

But i know you are sitting there in your garden with your wirelesss internet saying "Ahahah the nick guy doesnt even stand a chance. Im gonna get a free VB license! YAHOO!! AHAHA"

with an evil laugh.


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