Congrats HR.

HS Nick

New member
Well congrats

I knew this was going to happen.. I was sitting waiting for the pic and say 6,999 then it jumped to 7,001.. dang.... just missed it.


Anyways congrats on breaking 7000 posts.
A great achievement.

I wonder if there is a secret admin forum, in which case for the admins + moderators, the post count would have already passed 7000.
if there was and it was hidden. They either have it set to count towards the main Post count. (7,001) or not to count at all. So they wouldnt have already been past 7,000
It probably wouldnt count posts that you cant access, filtered out in the sql query. Otherwise people might work out using search and total posts to see how many posts the staff have hidden away ;) like I used to do on boards :)
Yea but i run a few sites with VB and i dont think you have that option in the admin panel inless john has a custom hack for it.
Thats try. I modded the heck out of my of my gamming sites. If you look at You will see it very very closely resembles Vbulletin. But its not :) Couldnt afford it, so i have to hack/mod a different board.
You do hosting, but cant afford VBulletin? I know one host who stole it off a client :s

Anyway, I've done the same. Tried to make vbulletin, but it's pretty hard. I cant afford it either :(
Oh, This was before i was in hosting. I setup that forum about 2 years ago, back then i couldnt even afford the webhosting space someone else did it and i was just the webmaster.
Nice looking forum, yea I wish I had vB also but it is pricy. Maybe somebody can sponsor one for me :)
If you buy in bulk you can get your license for cheaper :)
I think from 3+ it goes down, then from 6+
I have to buy another license within the next month so will be doing that pretty soon
maybe someone could sponsor one for me

:lol: , like an Adopt a Vbulletin license for a needy person ;) It is a shame they are so expensive though. I can see why for companies, but normal people just wanting a small forum shouldnt have to pay so much :(

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