cPanel For Windows?? WOW


Ok now i have most of the people attention here

anyone using a demo or beta or anything of this cpanel for windows called EnKompass

from cPanel site

Enkompass installs on one IIS7 Server and reaches out to provision accounts on multiple web, mail and database servers. Hosts can easily add capacity by adding servers when the customer base expands.

YA YA YA - anyone test this see it - maybe at hostingCON i didnt go

cant find real user anywhere
I've seen them advertising this product for a few months now and I still have yet to find a hosting company offering it or acknowledging testing it.
Conor, I don't know if it is beta yet. This product they have beenw orking on for 3 to 5 years now. My clients have accounts with cPanel and its not available. That is why you don't see any companies using or acknowledging it. I am almost curious if it has something to do with cPanel Conference. :)
This will be a good thing, especially when parallels had but taken over all major hosting controllers and making a monopoly out of the industry.
Yeah, we're a cPanel NOC Partner for the past 4 or 5 years and I remember they had a big "to do" at the Conference 2008 when it was called the cPanel Suite, but I see now looking at the site they have the Conference 2009 on the site and still no more information.

Thanks for clearing that up - I know I had been watching for it in the past just to see what was going to happen. I dare say I'd switch to it any time soon given that it would be a NEW product on the market, but they sure need to get their butt in gear. ;)
This will be a good thing, especially when parallels had but taken over all major hosting controllers and making a monopoly out of the industry.

Ya exactly - but for what ever reason cPanel for windows is like .... vapourware at its finest
i hope not either - i called, opened a ticket and ask for a demo and no reply at all from cpanel
my support guys asked 1 year ago to be part of the beta program, we were not approved no reason given

but couldnt find anyone who used it yet or even seen it
Never heard of that product, but will check it out on cpanel website. This will bring a lot of people into the windows/cpanel hosting. Too bad windows licenses are expensive.
Thats a great new and something that every windows user would have been looking for from long time.

Cpanel is in large demands from all ends, however the compatibility issues kept it away from the Windows. Not to worry now.
yeah. not to worry now, we could use the same function as cpanel/whm in enkompas.

user will more likely to purchase this control panel. we have been tested it this few days. It's been wonderfully great. we love it..

"Enkompass" is in beta version & it is for a limited number of people to try. You need to contact them for this. My personal belief is that it is still not offered to the public.

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