Cpanel or Exsigm


New member
I am currently in the process of installing a new control panel and I am using Plesk right now. I don't know which to choose please help. Cpanel or Exsigm?
Most end consumers prefer CPanel, for it's ease of use, and powerful functions.

Don't worry though, everyone will try to suggest the control panel they use, and try to convince you that it's the best thing since sliced bread.

In fact, when we started, it was exactly the same process. We did our research however, on what consumers wanted, instead of what other hosts wanted us to use, and the statistics were pretty clear that consumers prefer CPanel on a Unix box(at least for now).
Choose the one you prefer ;)
Why even have a control panel at all ?

We have more *customers* requesting Plesk than Ensim/HSpeher/HELM/cPanel
I have noticed the general trend leaning towards cPanel as well, but that doesn't mean that the other control panels aren't in demand. Ensim is another powerful control panel. The control panel decision is an important one that should not go overlooked. It can put your company in an entirely different market. If you offer a less demanded control panel, then you have better chances of attracting the people who do want the one that you are offering.
For each company it is certainly different. It really depends on who or what demographic you host, and/or cater to.

There is a certain demographic for each control panel.
ANMMark said:
I was referring to general overall consumers.
And i was disputing it - showing that either the market research doesn't always equal the reality, or that the markets/clients we are reaching are different to yours ;)

In other words each business has to make it's own mind up !

Some of the most widely used (with *verifiable* numbers) control panels (several with total servers far in excess of cPanels licence count) are not even available for sale but provided by their hosts only to their own clients.
Rob, perception is reality.

It actually doesn't take very much research. You can literally compare the amount of requests that specifically ask for CPanel, over the requests that specifically ask for Ensim, H-Sphere, or Plesk at most of the hosting forums.

Whether this is fueled by the fact that most hosting companies (not all) offer CPanel, due to it's low cost, or the fact that it's included with many of the predefined dedicated server packages out there, is inconsequential really. The customers may have been introduced to CPanel because of this, but they learn it, and ultimately request it more than any other.

Again however, it comes down to what the majority of each company's customers want.

It's almost the same with browsers, and your hosting site. If you cater to or the majority of your clients are developers or designers, you can bet your site is being viewed in Mozilla, Opera, Mom & Pop's Happy Internet Thinga Majigger, and any other browser they happen to find along the way, while the majority of average internet users (home, and average business), will never see your site with anything other than IE. This is generally due to the fact that most of their systems only come with IE, and they've never found a reason to get anything else. Again, this does not account for ALL average users, but most indeed.

In other words each business has to make it's own mind up !

You are indeed accurate. The point is, datacenters have made it much easier for each business to make their mind up, by including certain control panels in the package, and most of the time it's CPanel, which again, may or may not be fueling the general overall demand for the CPanel control panel.
Well mostly of mine customers like Cpanel. Even some of my customers know that there are only one control pannel which is CPanel for hosting. When I told them about other control pannels they are surprised. Few month before I buy a server with Plesk Control pannel but that server not get a good business for me only beacuse of me. May be it only with me beacuse I am giving CPanel control pannel to my customers from years and they fix with CPanel. And not want to use any other control pannel.

What about your Customers?
ANMMark said:
You can literally compare the amount of requests that specifically ask for CPanel, over the requests that specifically ask for Ensim, H-Sphere, or Plesk at most of the hosting forums.
99% of clients have never heard of a hosting forum, let alone ever requested anything. IME most of the people asking for cPanel are doing so because their previous-now-defunt-fly-by-night hosting company used it and therefore it's a "known" quantity ! This goes the same for all the CP's not just cPanel

The majority of users I have spoken to over the last 9 years of doing this neither care nor even know what a control panel is as long as they get their emails and can ftp their website. It's *hardly* a major thing to them - they dont spend all day gazing at the lovely CP gui, they get on with their lives ...

3 *MILLION* users of Pipex/HE/123reg Control Panel - I doubt any of them have ever heard of cPanel, 2-odd million FH/ukreg direct customers and another couple of million reseller hosted domains - again a custom written application.

point is, datacenters have made it much easier for each business to make their mind up, by including certain control panels in the package, and most of the time it's CPanel

The majority of *datacentres* dont offer "servers" dedicated or otherwise - that would be competing with their clients. If you mean "dedicated server providers" then maybe, alabanza offer their own CP, racksh!te is down via most UK routes so I cant check what they offer or how "prolific" any singe choice is.

I cant think of 1 of the top 20+ hosting companies that use a 3rd party CP of any description.

offer CPanel, due to it's low cost
over a 3-5 year timeframe its one of the most expenive Linux CP's on the market :p

Dont get me wrong, I think cPanel does a good job from the end-user perspective, we're a NOC partner so believe enough in it :p

But the reason it *appears* so popular is the ease which it allows reselling, nothing more.
most of the people asking for cPanel are doing so because their previous-now-defunt-fly-by-night hosting company used it and therefore it's a "known" quantity !
I know I was that kind of customer at some point in time. :)

Hmm... I'm still with a Cpanel host, but, in my defense, I'm not with them because of that. :)
99% of clients have never heard of a hosting forum

Rob, you're comparing apples to oranges now. Obviously when I say "You can literally compare the amount of requests that specifically ask for CPanel, over the requests that specifically ask for Ensim, H-Sphere, or Plesk at most of the hosting forums" I think it was purely obvious that I was not referring to people, that are not on forums.

HostingDiscussion, WHT, HostHideout, etc make up quite a bit of this industry. You can pretty much visit any of them, and look through requests. Calculate only the people who openly request a specific control panel. You will find that the majority of those requests specifically name CPanel as their preference.

When it comes to datacenters, a lot of datacenters don't offer servers directly from their site, but have seperate branded sites dedicated to providing servers.

Let's take for example, Fortress ITX (Dedicated Now), NAC (15 Minute Servers), Gnax (Tranxactglobal), BurstNET (Nocster), The Planet (ServerMatrix). They generally do this to avoid directly competing with their clients.

Don't misunderstand Rob, I'm not sitting here attempting to say that CPanel is the best control panel available. I'm simply saying that CPanel is the most widely requested in general, and I stand by that.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.
ANMMark said:
Rob, you're comparing apples to oranges now. Obviously when I say "You can literally compare the amount of requests that specifically ask for CPanel, over the requests that specifically ask for Ensim, H-Sphere, or Plesk at most of the hosting forums" I think it was purely obvious that I was not referring to people, that are not on forums.
It all started with the blanket "most clienst want cPanel" comment many posts ago :crazy2:
We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Agreed :D
I will recommend you to go for cpanel its a lot comaptible reliable easy to use and clients really love it and got all need in it and with fantastico included you have Mambo server many PHP forums ,PHP ticket board they are all auto installion scripts, a client can easly install and take all benifits .At preset I dont thing any control panel gives all this ... cheers to Cpanel :agree:
I've always used cPanel so I'm going to be bias. It looks great and is really simple to use, just like its counterpart Web Host Manager. Both are really simple and fun to use, especially WHM.

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