cPanel Shared accounts from $7.50 w/Katrina Donations


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MCJ Interactive would like to show their support for the victims of Hurricane Katrina by donating 100% of all proceeds from new orders (their first month's amount) through October 31 to the American Red Cross.

Being native to Florida, we know all about hurricanes including the mental and physical anguish stemming from their destruction. Even though our donations would be small to some extent as our plans are relatively low, every little bit helps! In addition, should you not need hosting/design services, we would encourage you to donate any amount of funds to the American Red Cross.

To show that we are not merely stating a donation to rev up new business, we will be posting at the end of each month, an image of the check and updating the image with the cancelled check as we receive it.

S-1GB Plan
1GB Disk Space
15GB Bandwidth
5 MySql Databases

S-2GB Plan
2GB Disk Space
30GB Bandwidth

S-3GB Plan
6GB Disk Space
90GB Bandwidth
Free Backups (not counted towards your disk space)

All our plans include:
? cPanel / Fantastico DeLuxe / RvSkin
? Unlimited Domains (Parked / Addon / Subdomains)
? Unlimited Email (POP3) / Forwarding / Aliases /Autoresponders
? Unlimited FTP Accounts
? Unlimited MySql Databases*
? Web based email
? Raw log files / Awstats
? FrontPage Extensions
? Free 30-Day InstantSSL Certificate**
? 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
? No setup fee

-No contracts
-Proudly accepting Visa / MasterCard or PayPal

* Except S-1GB Plan
** Additional charge for IP may apply

Support Options
-Trouble Ticket / SMS (24x7)
-Live Chat (Office Hours)
-IM (AIM / Yahoo / MSN)

Other plans are available.

Background Information
MCJ Interactive has been offering quality hosting, design and consulting services since 2001. Our servers are located in top tier data centers providing excellent uptime with 100Mbit server connectivity.

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