cPanel Users Please Read


New member
OK cPanel users, now if i have been fortunate enough to get you here, I am hoping someone here can help me. I have tried my server admins, support tickets, and even a cpanel forum post to no avail.

I have my own mailing list as well as several other customers mailing lists in which subscribers are not receiving mail.

I have a mailing list with 78 addresses and many users are not getting e-mail. These range from AOL and Hotmail to private e-mail accounts with companies.

I am not receiving any rejections when messages are sent to the mailing list.

My customers are getting very frustrated and I am unable to get any answers.

The only thing I do know is that messages come in with a on behalf (First Last Name).

Is anyone out there having the same issues or complaints and using the Mailing Lists via cPanel???

Please contact me on any method I have listed or PM.

Thank you!