CPU Usage Limits!


New member
How many of you, use hosts with hidden CPU Usage Limits? I've been cut off by plenty of webhosts, becuase they have a 10-15% CPU Usage Limit, Hidden in theire T.O.S. By being cut off of those, its tought me to reade the T.O.S of every host I use, to check over it all, usually I just talk to a representive, whom I use to think were honest!

I think if your going to have a CPU Usage Limit, please don't hide it! Because it annoy's me when I pay, and than I find out..
All shared hosting is going to have CPU limitations.
You as a consumer are responsible for reading the TOS and understanding the limitations of the host you choose.
If you want to avoid being "annoyed" by paying for something and not receiving it I would suggest reading the small print before paying.
cpu limits

Ryan - you are griping about cpu limits for your account. But you should be thankful that they have limits.

If someone else uses all the cpu capacity, your website would not be accessible. Your programs would not run.

It seems to me that 15% is high unless the server is limited to 7 or less accounts.

You need to keep in mind than anyone else on the server can cause your site not to work. So you should be glad that those safeguards are in place. They might annoy you, but they also protect you.

If you need more processing power, you need a dedicated server so you do not interfere with other peoples programs.
pageBuzz said:
Ryan - you are griping about cpu limits for your account. But you should be thankful that they have limits.

If someone else uses all the cpu capacity, your website would not be accessible. Your programs would not run.

It seems to me that 15% is high unless the server is limited to 7 or less accounts.

You need to keep in mind than anyone else on the server can cause your site not to work. So you should be glad that those safeguards are in place. They might annoy you, but they also protect you.

If you need more processing power, you need a dedicated server so you do not interfere with other peoples programs.

If they really cared, and were cool, they wouldn't so many accounts on a dedicated server, so we could use up more CPU Limits..

Or have a busrtable thing, where I can use what THEY dont.
Well sometimes you can't blame your host with this problem. Because if they don't do that all site hosted at the same server will crash when 1 site use to much cpu resources.

But ofcourse there great hosting company outthere who are not doing this. they have very powerful servers.
Most Hosts do, infact do this, and the ones that don't are just new hosts and dont think they would get a client who needs it, or don't know what it is.

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