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Anyone had any success drawing traffic from a Craigslist ad? I placed one the other night and doesn't look like it's done much.

I'm going to try a Facebook ad in October for a blog promotion. I'm using a $100 credit I got for signing up with the Visa Business Network.
I noticed that after placing the ad. It's too bad that people have to abuse great tools. I've sold personal belongs off Craigslist in the past. My parents sold their RV in less than a week. It works but others abuse it. Sad.
I find allot of spammers(nsagirls) and scams on craigslist, I would be afraid to List my home on there. I suggest forums and Directorys.
I'm not concerned about selling personal items on Craigslist - I think it works fine for that purpose.
I haven't used Craigslist very well just for promotion back to my site. I got less traffic there and not generating leads and sales after all.
Craigslist may be good for local business however you can try out also Google Local listing together if you are targeting local buyers.
Just the opposite here ... I'm always hearing stories of tremendous success selling from Craigslist - from our clients.
I've never really understood the draw of craig's when there are so many other avenues open. It seems a little too open and as has been said tends to lead to spam for just that reason. I'd like to keep more of my details private I'm afraid.
Just the opposite here ... I'm always hearing stories of tremendous success selling from Craigslist - from our clients.

Can't say I hear many of such stories (after all, my personal experience selling some stuff on Craigslist hasn't been so good), but I know at least one business (not in web hosting industry though) that has solely relied on Craigslist for advertising and they've done quite well.

Now, of course, Craigslist has made it complicated to advertise with phone verification and all. If we have any Craigslist marketing experts on the board, I'd love to hear what they do to continue marketing.

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