CS-Cafe.com - FULLY DEVELOPED Counter-Strike GAME SITE for SALE (1500+ Visitors)


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Hey guys!

CS-Cafe.com is up for sale! This site's great for Half-Life: Counter-Strike fans.

Reason for Selling: We don't have much time to promote this site any longer, with other things to do.

Asking Price & Traffic Stats: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3846330257

You can get more information about this at the eBay auction link above.

If you have any questions or concerns about this website, then please don't hesitate to contact us by either e-mail or PM! Thank you!
do you have any more info on the site? why the sudden decrease in traffice after viewing that the stats etc..? any revenue generated?
The sudden decrease in the traffic is the reason for selling. We don't have time to promote it anymore. With a little promotion this site can be more than what we expect it to be. And there is no revenue generated as of now. This site was created around June, 2004. We just added "Ads by Google" or AdSense to the site, which meant that we were going to generate some revenue soon. But now we're going to sell it and the next owner of the site can promote it more and can also generate revenue from advertisements.
I see. Well, you can always bid on it with the amount that you want to spent and wait to see if anyone else bids on it or not. Anyways, good luck!
I never do that =) you don't bid on stuff till th last hour or even 5 minutes. I've seen bids go from $100 - $500 in a 30min time spand.

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