CS:S sponsorship request!

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I'm a leader in a counter-strike source clan called Time 2 Aim.
We are all from finland. And we are 8 members. WE play in ClanBase and now taking part of ESL.
Our total playtime in hole clan now this week has beed 748.2 hours
Our skill lvl is from mid+ to High+.

Now we only would want a WebHostning service for a nice goood website for all we need.

we have been seeing in web some ''free'' sites but none have been good inough and we are 2 young to start buying and so on.

So enyone could provide us with a Website with forums and home roster and so on. that would make us dam happy.

We can put banners from u on the site and in our clan sprays. Or if u find more ways pls tell me.

Contact me by my e-mail : Lupusorsa@hotmail.com
Or here in forums i will be watching it several times a day!

Ty and i hope someone will PM me.
How many matches do you play in during the week? Any championships? Also, do you get a lot of traffic?

If you could answer those questions, it will help me decide.

We play about 70+ matches all together in a week sometimes more. like thsi week ahve been relly busy over 150 matches i think.

championships nope not yet just soon we get in ESL but we start going online cups for now and soon LAN turnaments.

Traffic i dont think its a probleme because allredy now over 20 ppl are wanting to join us and big testings are up and we will maby get together with a 1.6 clan so site will have a lot of ppl in + the guys who wanna apply in and get in tests!
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i forgot to tell. That if u now sponsor us by the site so my friend is making a css movie out of this clan by sony vegas pro 8 . hes quite good some HD test are redy so if we get a banner from u or a picture so that we could put it in the movie because its going to be putted in movievault and youtube.
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