Dawn Athanasopolous


New member
Hi forum.

Has anyone tried or is using XOOP? I wonder if it is anything special or just another bbs system.

I have not used this platform, but it does look promising. Not sure what would define this platorform over the ones that are currently free such as mambo. Complete tell us how it goes for you, I am curious how XOOPS turns out.

wetalkhosting.com said:

I have not used this platform, but it does look promising. Not sure what would define this platorform over the ones that are currently free such as mambo. Complete tell us how it goes for you, I am curious how XOOPS turns out.

TYPO3 also looks interesting.

I am looking into this now.

Any experience?

Welcome to Talk Web Hosts! It is a pleasure to have you here contributing to the forum.

I have had a few brief experiences with Typo3. If you are looking for a versatile Content Management System, Typo3 would be a wise selection. Typo3 easily and seamlessly integrates with nearly all web layouts to provide a professional-looking website with an easy to use backend.

Looking over their website is the best you can do to see what Typo3 can do for you. If you visit this link: http://typo3.org/about/sites-made-with-typo3/, you'll see exactly how Typo3 can be integrated into almost any website to manage the content of the presence. Hope this helps. Once again, welcome -- we're glad to see new faces here! :)
TheReason said:
Complete I have not heard of TYPO3 but from my understanding MAMBO might be all you need. Several websites tend to use this system.

I want a rich user interface. One that I can change on the fly as the user enters information. My first look was at a product called PRADO. But they require PHP 5. So, I kept looking and then I spotted TYPO3 mentioned in www.hotscripts.com as being rated very highly.

If I am not happy with TYPO3, I will try MAMBO. I hear good things about this as well.
WarpFactor said:

Welcome to Talk Web Hosts! It is a pleasure to have you here contributing to the forum.

I have had a few brief experiences with Typo3. If you are looking for a versatile Content Management System, Typo3 would be a wise selection. Typo3 easily and seamlessly integrates with nearly all web layouts to provide a professional-looking website with an easy to use backend.

Looking over their website is the best you can do to see what Typo3 can do for you. If you visit this link: http://typo3.org/about/sites-made-with-typo3/, you'll see exactly how Typo3 can be integrated into almost any website to manage the content of the presence. Hope this helps. Once again, welcome -- we're glad to see new faces here! :)

Thanks John!
Comparing XOOPS with TYPO3, I think that TYPO3 is stronger but that means that there is a bigger learning curve. But I kinda like the way that the back-end admin panel for TYPO3 looks (too bad I cannot show you ;) ). Plus, I could figure out how TYPO3 is set up (it took a while) but after I set up XOOPS, I got this http://www.completetranslations.com/XOOPS/xoops-3.2.3a-Final/html/
compare that to this http://www.completetranslations.com/TYPO3/dummy-3.8.1/typo3/index.php
Which do you think I think looks cleaner?

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